Topic of Love Interests (A/N)

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Sorry guys, I normally do not like the usage of constant author notes in a story.

It occured to me that as a reader insert, you should be allowed to choose who you want to like you. Warning ahead of time, all the boys are best bois so if you want them all that's fine. Also, many fanfictions I have read tend to focus on the main cast and almost completely forgetting about the rest of the class. As much as I love the main characters, there are a lot of unappreciated people who deserve some love too! So while the main gang will have a significant part, so will the others.

I am fine with a couple of the girls (there aren't many anyway) from 1-A. If you want some teachers added in let me know too (guys if you don't like don't read, they're fictional anyway). Characters that are NOT love interests are:
- Jiro
- Hatsume Mei
- Mineta Minoru
- Midnight
- May add more later

Rest is up in the air so comment and let me know who should be a love interest! My OCs can also be potentials as well.

Please don't forget to comment, vote, ask questions and share with your friends! *cue shameless advertising* And don't forget to check out my other stories, my book Author's Random Thoughts has potential beginning for possible books I'm willing to write, like a 'x reader' for Avatar or Voltron!

P.S. To my male readers, I apologize but the pronouns used in the story are female! Of course you can still read it and just mentally change it!

Songbird (BNHA x reader)Where stories live. Discover now