Chapter 4- The Test of Knowledge

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"My name is Present Mic and I'll be your host on this beautifully stressful day!"

Present Mic had blonde hair that stood straight up and made you wonder how many bottles of hair gel this guy went through in the mornings. He had this tiny mustache and tinted sunglasses. His hero costume seemed to give off the vibe that his power involves sound. And due to his loud voice, you assumed it had to do with, well, his loud voice.

"Our first test is...." the weird looking man dramatically motioned towards the screen.


Why does he sound like a salesperson?

"This test is a 500 multiple-choice exam that must be completed within 2 hours! It involves questions on multiple subjects including things you probably won't know! Don't worry, this test only counts for 25% of your overall score!"

At the last words, it looked like the soul of the audience was leaving. You, however, maintained a straight face.

It could be worse.

"So let's get started! Look down at you number and that will be what stadoum you'll be in! Good luck contestants and see you soon!" With that the ground beneath Present Mic begun to sink and he raised his arms into the air while being lowered into the ground. Fire raged behind him and then it was quiet.

Then all at once, everyone began scrambling out of their seats, trying to hurry to their designated classroom.

The twins asked you, "What's your room?"

Although you didn't want to tell them, since they were being complete assholes to you earlier, you replied, "3C."

"Oh. You're with Alex then." Yang said dejectedly.

"Why do you sound disappointed?" You asked.

"We wanted to see you fail!" Yin whined.

"Shut up you two, let's go...uh..." Alex never asked for your name.


"Right. Let's go then."

You both walked to the room and got separated by the lady in charge. They handed out a test with a pencil. You took a deep breath and got ready.

"And start!"

The classroom was filled with only the sounds of pencils filling in answers and pages turning.

You looked at the first question and thought, Yup, I'm fucked.

(Spongebob narrator voice: 1 hour and 53 minutes later)

1 hour and 53 minutes left and you still had twenty questions left. You knew some of it without a problem, others you had some idea and the rest you had absolutely no clue. At this point, time was running out and you knew you had to hurry.

Lady Luck, work with me. You eternally begged.

Then you jotted down random answers for the last twenty.

You finished guessing with two minutes left and thought about double checking your work but decided not to.

It'll probably just depress me anyway.

"Time's up! Pencils down!" Some lady in a very, ahem, interesting outfit cracked a whip.

She collected the tests and let the students out to go back to the amphitheater. Everyone filed out of the room and immediately began to talk.

Alex came up to you and immediately asked how you did.

"I think I did okay," you shrugged.

"Okay?!?!? I did better than okay! I knew practically everything on that test!" He boasted.

Do you know how practically close you are to getting your face bashed in?

Suddenly, you felt two arms drap themselves over your shoulders. You knew it was the demons from hell and decided to not acknowledge them.

"So how'd you do, peasant?" They drawled.

"Name's not peasant, it's (y/n). Get used to it because you're going to remember it when I get into the heroics course and leave you to eat my dust."

With that, you shoved their arms off your shoulders and hoped to the universe that you would actually be able to come through with that promise.

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