Chapter 29 - Time for Beginnings

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Present Day

The following morning, Erin had asked Liam to explain what happened to him very first thing. He promised to tell her if she ate breakfast. With pursed lips and narrowed eyes, Erin did eat the not so pleasant hospital food while eagerly listening to Liam, hanging on his every word.

" saw me once?" Erin was amazed. "And you...walked away?"

"It was the most difficult thing I've ever done but I had to," He replied softly, eyes downcast at their entwined fingers.

"I'm very proud of you for going to college," She grinned, stroking his beard. "By the way...I'm loving the full beard."

Liam laughed and pecked her lips lovingly. Erin raked her fingers into his hair, tugging him closer then licked his lips seeking entry. Liam growled and succumbed. Their kiss quickly deepened but a knocking on the door of her hospital room interrupted them.

"Good morning, Erin!" Her doctor greeted. "I have wonderful news!"

"Please tell me," Erin replied.

"I'm sending you home today," Her doctor smiled.

A surprise knock at the door made them all turn. Erin's face went pale. Standing in the doorway with a gun pointed at Liam, was Garret himself.

"Garrett..." Erin whispered. Liam gripped her hand tightly, attempting to reassure her that everything would be ok.

"Hello, Principessa," He cooed, a wicked smirk tugged at his lips.

"How did you get passed the security?" Liam demanded.

Garrett shrugged, "You really think I don't have the LAPD on my payroll?"

"What do you want?" Erin asked softly, knowing full well his answer.

"I want you...and Ashlynn," He shrugged as if the demand wasn't a big deal.

"No!" Erin spat. "HELP!"

Guards and police ran in, quickly rushing Garret, managing to wrestle the gun from his hand.

"We've been looking for you," one of them growled as he yanked Garrett's hands behind his back and tightened the cuff's with several clicks.

The husky familiarity of the voice gave Erin goosebumps. Familiar eyes met hers from under his cap just as he hauled Garrett out of the room.

"He's in violation of an active restraining order," Erin explained.

"This guy won't be bothering you again, Ma'am," the officer reported then hauled Garrett out of the room.

Erin let out an audible sigh of relief and pressed her check to Liam's chest as he embraced her.

"It's over," She repeated in a hushed voice as tears fell down her cheeks.


Later in the afternoon, all the paperwork was signed and Erin was wheeled out of the hospital. Once through the doors, she took in a deep, cleansing breath.

"Ahh, LA smog," She grinned. The nurse pushing her wheelchair laughed, shaking her head. Soon after, Liam pulled up in a dark blue Tesla.

"Your chariot awaits, My Lady," He called through the window, eyebrows wiggling matched by a teasing grin before getting out and helping her transfer into the car.

Soon they were off and it was odd for Erin to see Liam driving a car. She chuckled to herself at how comfortable he appeared driving.

"I never would have guessed I'd ever see you drive," She laughed lightly smiling at him.

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