Chapter 3 - Time to Wake Up

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Near the Northern Coast of Ireland - 1548

On a small country road surrounded by fields of grass glistening with dew, wildflowers blowing gently in the breeze and trees offering sanctuary with shade, a small group of men donned in clan colors rode their horses steadily toward home. A mild breeze tugged at their wisps of hair, refreshing them and drying sweat beaded from the rigorous hunt they were returning from. It was early October which meant time to start hunting more often to have enough meat for the long winter ahead.

The weather hadn't quite started to get cold yet which was unusual. Perhaps the turn in weather toward winter would be more sudden this year versus steady as it typically was.

The noonday sun was high above their heads as Kennedy O'Neill led his small band back toward the keep. Their hunt had been successful as was evident by their horses, heavy laden with their spoils. If future hunts and gatherings continued being this successful, they would have more than enough food and supplies for the winter plus some for emergency stores. The hunting party leader smiled to himself as he enjoyed the breeze on this warm October day.

Kennedy rode in silence listening to his four companions, Patrick, Keith, Aedan and Dylan, chatter and laugh at their latest conquests with some of the village women. Aedan, Kennedy's best friend, had been happily married for the last three years, blessed with an infant son at home. The current subject didn't interest him. Urging into a faster gallop, his horse rode up beside Kennedy's horse. The younger by only a couple of years glanced over, brows furrowed.

"What's bothering you, hmm?" Aedan asked with curiosity. "The hunt was successful."

Kennedy gave his long time friend a sideways glance. "Aye, I know."

"You are the one of us with the most conquests. Have you no advice for these novices?" Aedan smirked. The other men quieted, giving him glares. They didn't need any advice.

That got Kennedy to chuckled lightly. "Not today, lad's. You cannot handle my secrets." The others rolled their eyes, groaning which made Kennedy and Aedan both laughed heartily, the warm, hearty sound filling the air around them.

Their laughter ended abruptly when Kennedy silenced them all with a raised fist, bringing his horse to a sudden halt.

"Hello?" a small, faint voice called in the distance. "Is somebody out there?"

It sounded like a child. Kennedy and the others keenly scanned the open grass area around them cautiously. It could be a trap.

"Over there!" Patrick called to Kennedy, pointing out to their left.

Kennedy pivoted in that direction, frowning at the sight of a small child running up the hill toward them. She was dressed in strange clothing. Floral print breeches, a short tunic with a feline face in the center, and boots. Tears ran in a steady stream down rosy cheeks from her vibrant blue eyes as true as a spring sky after rain.

Aedan jumped down from his horse first, jogging to the girl and kneeling on one knee in front of her. Gently, he cupped her cheeks, swiping away her tears with his thumbs.

"Shh, child. You're alright and safe now. What is your name? Tell me what is wrong?" He asked in a soft, soothing fatherly voice.

The girl sniffed, wiped her nose with her sleeve then took a deep breath to calm herself before answering. "Ashlynn. My mommy is sleeping and won't wake up. There's a lot of blood from an owie on her head."

"What a brave girl you are, Ashlynn. I am Aedan," He smiled, pointing to the others as the trotted up behind them. "These are my good friends. Kennedy, Dylan, Patrick and Keith," indicating to each of his companions, hoping it would comfort the little girl obviously, with good reason, still upset and scared. "We will help you and your momma. Can you lead us to her, lass?" Aedan pressed, smiling warmly.

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