Chapter 6 - Time to Meet the Lord

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The golden morning sun's rays steadily crept through the window of Erin's room.  She tried to ignore it by burrowing deeper into the downy blankets.  It worked for awhile, until her stomach churned, growling loudly in hunger.  Not mention needing to use the bathroom.

Where was the bathroom? Did they have them here? Of course! Every resort had bathrooms!  Erin shook her head of sleepiness and climbed out of bed to explore the doors across the room.

A dark wood door next to the fireplace opened to reveal a bathing room.  Up against the wall, a small table held a basin with water, a bowl and a fresh towel laying beside it.  She also saw a large pot on the floor she recognized from pictures in history books as something referred to as a chamber pot.  That was quite...authentic looking.

Oh, this will be fun, she thought to herself.

Once her morning routine was finished, face wiped off and dried, Erin went back into the bedroom to slip on the dress that had been laid out the previous day for her with a pair of flat leather shoes.  The dress was very simple, not surprising considering it was most likely all they had last minute.  Their luggage must have gotten lost because there was none in this room with her. The odd thing was, Erin didn't remember booking a vacation yet here they were.

The shoulder line came to the end of her shoulders and led to a deep V-neck.  The long sleeves belled from elbow to wrist.  The high waist sat just under her bust, gently flowing into the full A-line skirt all the way down to the floor.  The thin corset like rope tied criss crossed over her stomach then hung loosely down the front middle.  It was a very comfortable and beautiful dress despite its simplicity.  Erin combed her fingers through her locks, letting the tendrils stay loose then exited the room.

The aromatic scent billowing through the halls from breakfast led her through the halls and into the kitchen.  Several servants bustled around following the orders of one but she still noticed Erin walk in and smiled warmly.

"Good morning, lass.  I'm glad you are feeling well enough to come seek out food. Please, sit and I'll get ye something," An older woman greeted warmly, gesturing to a chair at a nearby wooden table.  "I'm Katherine.  The head servant of the household.  What is your name?"

"Erin," she replied, smiling back as she curiously peered around.  "This place is very authentic.  I love the brick, the time period cookware. You're evening sticking to meals from the era. It's fascinating."

Katherine whirled around with a perplexed, furrowed brow truly confused by Erin's strange words as she placed a plate of fresh, warm bread, cheese and sliced apple in front of Erin.  "I'm afraid I dunna understand."

"Thank you.  This is a museum type resort, right?" Erin chuckled.  "Everyone dressed so authentically, the decorations, the building. It's beautifully done. I don't even remember leaving for a vacation."

Katherine placed a fisted hand on her popped out hip, still appearing confused.  "I'm afraid you hit your head a bit harder than Ingrid thought, lass.  This is what castle keeps in Ireland look like, dear."

Erin nearly choked on the bite of food in her mouth. "I-i-ireland?" Wide eyes peered around the room again, taking in each servant who entered or left then gave this kind woman a gradual once over again. "Erm...Katherine...what year is this?" Erin inquired cautiously.

"Year?" The woman blinked several times still frowning. "Eh... 1458, dear.  This is the O'Hagan clan keep in Ireland."

How is this possible? 

Absentmindedly, Erin played with the necklace around her neck.  Katherine's eyes flicked to the necklace wrinkling her brows in a deep furrow once again.  That necklace looked familiar.

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