Chapter 13 - Time to Confess

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"Father?" Connor called nervously having cracked open Liam's door. "I brought you dinner."

Standing once again in front of the large open window, arm raised leaning on the cold stone frame staring as the sun fully settled beyond the mountains, Liam grunted, "Leave it there."

Dutifully, Connor did as he was asked but didn't leave. He couldn't. The young man longingly gazed at his father's broad back. Crossing his arms across his chest, Connor scowled.

"What happened earlier?"

Liam sighed, hanging his head. "It's complicated, son."

"How so?" He prodded, boldly stepping farther into the dark room. "It is obvious you care for her. What is holding you back?"

"Your mother is, alright?" Liam bellowed, slamming his fist on the cold stone wall. "She was my first love, Connor. She always will be."

Cautiously Connor approached, his voice softer. "That doesn't mean you cannot move on, Papa."

Liam sighed heavily, slowly turning to face his wise son. "I cannot betray her."

"You wouldn't be," Connor frowned not understanding the dilemma. "She would want you to be happy not brooding, angry and alone the rest of your days."

"I just wish I could ask her," Liam sighed, turning back toward the window.

For unknown reasons, anger flared inside Connor. "Father, she is dead!" Liam spun around, wide eyed at his sons cold tone and accusing words. "She has been dead for ten years! There are others here alive and well who love you, too! What about Aeden? Katherine? Like ME! Do our opinions not hold value for you?"

"Connor, I-" Liam began, but Connor cut him off.

"No!" He glared, the glistening of angry tears brimming at his eyes so identical to his mother's. "You never asked for my opinion on this matter! Do you even care for it?"

"Of course, Connor but-"

"Then listen to it!" Liam clamped his mouth shut, brows rising in question. "I want to see you happy. There has been a joy, a sparkle in you gone since Mother died. It has returned in these recent weeks. I suggest you figure out the source and grab on fiercely before it vanishes back to its time."

Without another word, before Liam could respond, Connor spun on his heels and stormed out of the room. A small smirk tilted the corner of Liam's lips. It was not like Connor to be so vocally disrespectful. However, Liam swelled with pride at how Connor stood his ground and passionately made his opinion know. Kyla would be very proud of her son. Their son.

Sighing heavily, Liam went back to stare out the window until the sun had completely sunk behind the hills.


Night had long ago fallen, cloaking the sky in dark midnight navy, not a star to be seen in the misty veil of darkness. The cold night air blew gently through the open windows yet Liam slept fitfully, sweat glistening his face, bare torso and neck. His brow creased as his mind entered into a strange dream.

"Liam..." a gentle, feminine voice called, the familiarity tugging at his heart.

Eyes fluttering open, Liam peered around for the source his heart didn't dare hope to be real. Finding himself laying in a familiar field of wildflowers near the coastal cliffs made his heart race in panic. How did he get way out here?

"Liam, are you awake?"

Turning toward the lovely, silky voice, Liam's breath caught in his lungs and tears welled in his eyes. "Kyla..." he whispered, reaching out to cup her rosy cheek.

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