Chapter 16 - Time for Introductions

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Entering the sweeping throne room, Liam kept his head up with regal confidence but stole a glance downward at Erin. He stifled a grin at her wide eyed expression. Erin's eyes traveled as subtly as possible across the crimson red carpet rolled down the center to the glossy marble floors that met with the smooth stone walls. The massive windows let in streams of bountiful natural mid afternoon light.

Sitting in an impressive wooden throne with carved designs of what seemed like branches and leaves, was the King. An older man, streaks of gray hair in light brown locks, he sat reading something. His brows were crinkled in deep contemplation. As Liam and their party steadily approached the raised throne, he finally gazed up from his parchment at who was there. When he saw Liam, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"Liam O'Hagan!" King Caspar bellowed, rising and extending his arms in a warm greeting.

"Your Majesty," Liam answered bowing low and Erin curtsied as he did.

Caspar descended the platform stairs, clasping his hands on Liam's shoulders, permitting him to rise. Once Liam had reached his full height again, Caspar embraced him, both men clapping each other on the back.

"It has been too long, friend," Caspar added with fatherly warmth. He then turned his attention to Erin. "And who is this enchanting beauty, Liam?"

"May I present Lady Erin and her daughter Ashlynn," Liam gestured to the miniature of his companion who beamed with excitement and did a childlike curtsy.

Caspar knelt on one knee, lifting Ashlynn's hand in his and kissed her knuckles. "It is a great honor to meet you, Little One."

Ashlynn giggled and blushed. "Your beard tickles!"

Caspar let out a hearty laugh. "I suppose it does. I have a granddaughter just about your age. Would you like to meet her? Her name is Ryan."

"Oh, yes please!" Ashlynn bounced with joy. "Can Connor come too?"

"Con-... Connor!" Caspar exclaimed, eyes scanning the young man standing with Ashlynn. "I hardly recognized you! My how you've grown!" The King embraced him tightly, adding as a whisper into his ear, "You look just like your mother, lad."

"Thank you, Your Highness. You honor me with your compliment," Connor gracefully replied.

"Yes, Little One," Caspar now smiled down to Ashlynn. "Connor may show you the way."

As the two bounded out of the throne room out a side door, Caspar turned to Liam. "You have a fine young man, Liam. Perhaps we should negotiate a match between him and Rey?"

Liam nodded thoughtfully. "It is a good possibility. They have known each other since they could walk."

"Bah! Another time, Liam! I am ignoring you're beautiful companion!" He now turned to Erin now lifting her hand in his, kissing the knuckles like he did to Ashlynn. "Liam, I didn't realize you remarried after all these years!"

Liam and Erin glanced at each other before awkwardly replying "Oh, we're not-" and "She's not my-" at the same time, both flushing. Their stumble of words and denials made Caspar smirk then wink at Liam.

"Well, then, on to business!" Caspar clapped, gesturing for them to all sit at a side table in an alcove. "I wanted to meet with all the Lords of the Lands but that will happen tomorrow. For the rest of today, I want you to relax and make yourselves at home. Once our negotiations are complete, we will feast."

Liam nodded and stood, offering his hand to Erin who had been quietly observing, easily going with the flow. "Then we will retire to our rooms and I will see you in the morning for the first meeting," Liam replied with a bowing of his head before he led Erin from the throneroom to the hallway.

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