Chapter 26 - Time for Battle

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The next morning, Liam woke up first and drew a warm bath. He woke Erin encouraging her to climb in after he did. They washed and soaked away their soreness from their adventures the night before. Once finished, they both dried off then dressed. Erin wore one of Liam's tunics until they could sneak into her room and retrieve a clean dress.

After that, they descended the stairs into the main dining room to find it full of royal warriors, enough to be an army. Rory stood as soon as he saw Erin and Liam, a sly grin on his handsome face.

"I see you two made up," Rory smirked as he strolled toward them, winking deliberately at Erin which made Liam stiffen.

Erin ran her hand down his arm until she intertwined their fingers. "He's here to help, Liam."

"Indeed I am, old friend," Rory added, much more somber than his usual voice. "I am also here to offer my sincerest apologies for my behavior during your visit and over the years. I want to repair our friendship especially if my daughter is to marry your son. We will practically be brothers!"

Liam had to smirk a bit at that. "Alright," he reached out his hand. "All is forgiven." The two men shook hands as old friends evoking an audible sigh of relief heard through the room.

"Let us eat!" Liam announced. "Welcome to all our visitors!"

Leading Erin with him to the high table, they sat and ate the food spread before them. It was like an unplanned feast having the room full of laughter and light conversation. The children including Ashlynn, ran around laughing and playing.

Nothing like how the day would turn out to be.

"It's good to be back," Erin stated, kissing Liam's shoulder.

"I'm so glad you are here," Liam replied and kissed the top of her head.

When a scout ran in straight to Rory, Erin felt Liam stiffen beside her. Rory's eyes went wide as he stood, his eyes growing cold and locking onto Liam. Soon Rory crossed the room to sit beside them.

"Kennedy has been sighted just over the hill. He should be here within the hour," Rory reported.

Liam stood and raised a hand to signal for silence. "Family, friends and guests! I need your ears!" Silence fell across the room all attention turning to Liam as commanded by his booming voice. "We are about to be attacked." He ignored the gasps of surprise but held up his hand for silence again. "I need all able bodied men and boys over 16 to get a weapon and follow Prince Rory and I to the gates. I also need all women and children to go down to the cellar. We have lived in peace for many years but now an enemy is upon us. Kennedy O'Neill has betrayed us and brings others who mean us harm. Let us gather up arms and send them away!"

The room filled with a unified cheer then organized chaos broke out. Wives and daughters said temporary goodbyes to husbands and sons then began heading quickly toward the cellar. Connor made an angry path through the crowd straight to Liam.

"Father!" He yelled. "16 and older? You purposefully leave me out of the fight?"

Liam whirled around to meet his son. "Yes!" With a sigh, he continued. "You are all I have left. You will inherit the keep and now have a fiance to think of. I cannot lose you, too. Please, I put you in charge of keeping everyone in the cellar safe."

With a heavy sigh, Connor lowered his eyes and nodded slowly. "As you say, Father." Father and son embraced then Connor began guiding women and children efficiently toward the cellar.

Next, Liam turned to Erin and took her hands in his. "You need to get Ashlynn and get to the cellar."

Tears immediately filled Erin's eyes. "No! I won't leave you!"

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