Chapter 10 - Time for Action

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**Warning - You will despise Kennedy even more soon lol**

The rains finally stopped after three straight days flooding areas of the village and causing weak parts of the wall to collapse. During that time, the keep seemed to never rest. Erin stepped in where she was needed, helping Colleen oversee the women gathering, drying and sorting food to be stored. It was exhausting work, but Erin learned many new skills and was more than glad to help.

Connor oversaw the looking after of the young children with his special helper, Ashlynn. Sometimes Erin joined Connor, teaching games like tag or hide and seek to the children. It was a busy three days showing no signs of slowing down yet.

As promised, once the rain stopped, Liam sent Aedan and every able bodied man out to begin repairs and fortifications of the village in preparation for winter. Dutifully, Kennedy led a group out several times a day to do a perimeter check. The intense rains had caused a nearby river to overflow, damaging the wall around the village. This of course, left them vulnerable not only to enemies but mainly wild animals who would prey on the flocks and crops.

It was nice, though, that especially Kennedy found chances and excuses to dote on Erin. It was unexpected but welcomed. She didn't have much time to talk to him, but she noticed the way Kennedy would watch her when he was in the keep. Dark chocolate brown eyes boring into her with searing heat. It made Erin blush every time.

"Water?" She asked, offering a cup to the next hard working man repairing the wall. A gentle breeze blew with a growing chill. Still, these men glistened with sweat from working so hard. Each would murmur a thanks and drink deeply. Once he finished, Erin moved on to the next. "Water?"

"I'll have one," A gruff voice answered from behind as Erin worked at the pump to refill her jug.

Spinning around she was met with Kennedy's heated gaze raking over her form. Though covered in a white tunic, dark skirt to her ankles and an over dress as an apron, the way Kennedy stared at her made Erin feel utterly naked. It was very uncomfortable.

Still, Erin gave a weak smile, scooped the cup in the jug then offered it to Kennedy. Sweat beaded on his brow and neck, evidence all the men shared that despite the cooling temperature, they were all working tirelessly to finish the repairs.

"Thank you, lass," He whispered huskily, returning the cup to Erin's shaking hand.

"You're welcome," She smiled faintly, stepping around to return to her task but Kennedy's arm snaked around her waist. Flicking her gaze toward him, her eyes narrowed.

"So polite," He growled. "Are you this polite in privacy, Erin?"

Aghast at his implication, Erin scowled and slapped his hand away. "Do not make the mistake of assuming I am a wench like the other women you have tumbled with Kennedy," She scolded. "I hear what the women whisper about you. I'm not interested."

Brushing her way passed him, Erin felt her lungs inflate with air now that she was out of his atmosphere. It was suffocating being around him like being overwhelmed with deja vu that carried fear. Kennedy reminded Erin of someone intentionally cut off from her life.

Liam also spoke with Erin whenever he found an excuse to check in on how the food preparations were coming. In contrast to the air around Kennedy, Liam was refreshing to be around. Guarded, nervous like a teenager but gentle yet commanding of respect. Erin understood he had to oversee everything and had a lot going on. What little time she did have with him, she very much enjoyed. She caught Liam watching her too but his looks were more out of curiosity. Much more mild and less hungry than Kennedy's.

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