Chapter 4 - Time to Visit

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Cool ocean air billowed through loose auburn waves as Liam dismounted with heavy thuds, affectionately patting the side of his horse. Letting out a long, heavy sigh he reached gently into the saddlebag to retrieve three bundles of brightly colored wildflowers. With another sigh, he took slow, strides toward the gravestones a few yards from edge of the cliff.

The weather really was quite beautiful today. The cool breeze coming from the ocean up onto the bluff was refreshing. With a deep inhale, eyes rolling closed the salty scent filled Liam's nostrils. The unusually warm air was chilled by the wind here at the cliffs above the white sandy beach. Winter would come a bit slower this year but it was always cooler off the water. Hopefully Kennedy would return with a good quantity of spoils from his hunt in preparation for a typically harsh winter.

Liam departed the keep early this morning shortly after Kennedy had departed with his chosen men for the hunt just as the dawn sun kissed the sky. Usually Liam would go along as well, especially as lord of the O'Hagan keep, but he had something else of higher priority to do today.

The wind teased and blew at Liam's shoulder length wavy hair, blowing it across his face like a veil. He tried to fight the impending burning tears, but knowing he was alone, he let them fall. Kneeling in front of the three headstones, Liam lovingly placed one bundle of flowers under each of the names after wiping the headstones clean of stray dirt and debris.

Kyla O'Hagan, his loving wife of ten wonderful years, got the largest and most colorful bunch of wildflowers. One of Kyla's favorite things to do was gather flowers and herbs to decorate around the keep. As newlyweds at 20 and 19 summers, they would sneak out away from the keep and often make love in the fields of flowers hiding and enjoying their new life together until sundown or a servant found them.

Orla O'Hagan. Liam ran his flattened hand slowly over the name of his little spit fire daughter, getting the next bundle of flowers. Liam had tried his hardest to gather as many pink blooms as possible. Pink had been her favorite hue. She even named her horse Pinkie.

Braden got the smallest and most humble bunch. Liam had only gotten to hold him once for a few precious moments but this boy left an incredible mark on his heart. Braden had been stillborn. Their most treasured surprise was his arrival. Kyla had a difficult pregnancy with Braden, constantly nauseous, whereas with Connor and Orla the only sign she was with child was her growing belly and the occasional kicks. Those pregnancies and labors had been easy.

Not Braden's.

The fever and intense vomiting were the indication that Kyla's labor with Braden would be difficult. Connor brought the usual labor pains but came into the world less than half a day into the pains. With Orla, Kyla practically sneezed and their princess entered the world. From birth, she was a force to be reckoned with. Just like her father. No, Kyla's labor with Braden was much more difficult. Even Ingrid had been beside herself. Liam pressed his eyes together tight as he remembered one of their last conversations.

"Liam..." Kyla strained between contraction as Ingrid wiped her brow with a cold cloth. "If I don't survive this..."

"Shhh, none of that now..." Liam interrupted her, refusing to allow that mind set of giving up to overtake his beloved. He was scared and knew Kyla was as well but Liam had to remain calm, strong, for her. "We both are aware each birth is different. Imagine what a force this one will be. Orla will have competition," He chuckled, but it was strained. He was trying desperately to cheer her up.

Kyla gave a forced smile that lasted only a brief moment as another horrid contraction ripped through, causing her to writhe and arch in pain again as she had through most of yesterday and through the night. The morning sun was just starting to break the horizon but no one was paying attention to that.

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