Chapter 11: Field of Poppies

ابدأ من البداية

    Let's pray I don't embarrass myself. I mimicked their movements, weaving our hands together and moving our bodies in quick, sharp movements. Someone came over and threw a flower crown on my head and a beaded obsidian necklace around Rory's neck. It was actually pretty fun.

    It was all going well until Rory decided to shake his butt in my face. "What are you doing Rory?!" I shout over the music.

    He shot me a grin, "Don't the ladies dig someone who knows how to dance." Well then...

    Deciding not to burst his bubble of happiness, someone caught my hands and twirled me around. I didn't get to see who as we all broke our circle formation and got into partners.

    "What's your name?" The boy asked, his curly hair flopping around on his forehead.

    "Amara, yours?"

    "Talon!" We stepped closer, my left foot in between his. I leaned toward the right as he caught hold of my hands, his black wings flaring to keep balance. "Which kingdom are you from?"

    "The West. You?" We hopped back a step, simultaneously clapping our hands together with the others around us.

    "South." I was urged into a spin. Honestly, by the amount of times I've been spinning I'm surprised I hadn't thrown up my food. But then, my stomach is empty because of a certain someone interrupting my food time...

    The music faded away and we stepped away from each other, me curtsying and him bowing. People broke off with their friends and I spied Rory talking to a redhead. That little brat ditched me...

    "You want to go play some games?" Talon asked, his voice a bit hoarse from all the shouting. I nodded and followed him as we walked off toward where people were racing around a track. They were like lightning as they zoomed past, wind buffeting us in the face.

    "Chap." A hard clap on the shoulder. I groaned.

    "Now you appear, old man," I grumbled as I turned towards him. Instead of looking like his usual grumpy self, his eyes were alight with a fire.

    He turned towards Talon, towering over his figure by a good head. "Say young man, you don't mind if I borrow her for a bit will ya?" Talon quickly shook his head and left but not before offering me a quick wave.

    I pouted, "You scared away my friend."

    "Thought you didn't have any."

    "Hey that was mean!" Before I could smack him, he had already pulled me towards the empty line near the huge START sign.

    "You're kidding right?" I asked as I eyed him from head to toe. He has had years of flying here and there, not counting the years in the human world, but still. That guy was built and was probably as fast as a bullet.

    "Nope. I'll let you sleep in our cabin if you win."

    I perked up at that. "You're on, old man." I slapped his shoulder hard; he barely flinched.

    Stepping onto the track, I went towards the inner lanes. It looked shorter.

    I stretched out my own wings, warming them up against the freezing night air. I crouched down as Galore did the same. We waited in anticipation and what seemed like five minutes later, the person blew the whistle.

    Immediately, we shot off like bullets, leaving dust in our wake. I beat my wings furiously, pulling ahead. I didn't bother looking back as I rounded the first bend. However my mini victory was destroyed when a pebble hit my on the back.

Upon Shattered Wingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن