Chapter One

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Wednesday, Jin's Office, 11 am, Jaebum's POV:

- It had been two months since you returned from Kai's palace without Jaehwan. Every moment you didn't know what had happened to him was like a knife in your chest.

- You knew he hadn't deserted, no matter what Namjoon thought. Jin didn't believe it either, and the two of you were constantly plotting ways that you could try and find him, but Namjoon always found out somehow and stopped you. If he wasn't your king, and Jin wouldn't have hated you for it, you would have killed Namjoon weeks ago.

- Ravi had been given Jaehwan's job as head of security. Namjoon had offered it to you first, but you had turned him down, saying that you would prefer to just stay with Jinnie and Yoonsun. Ravi was doing fine, but he fell short in the detail-oriented parts of the job where Jaehwan had shined.

- You were currently in Jin's office, holding Yoonsun on your lap and trying to ignore the royal brothers as they bickered over unimportant aspects of city planning.

- "Buh-Buh," Yoonsun said loudly, smacking you surprisingly hard on the forehead and then giggling.

- That was what he had decided to call you, which was totally fine. It was better than the week and a half he had called everyone 'Eomma'. You closed your eyes and fell back against the cushion, pretending you were sleeping which just made the baby laugh more.

- "Sunny, my love, did you kill Bummie?" Jin's voice asked from next to you, and Yoonsun replied happily, "Buh-Buh!" and smacked your face again.

- You sat up straight and lifted the prince up, doing his favorite fake-toss and earning a shrill giggle before handing him to Jin.

- "You really have a way with kids," Jungkook said, smiling at you before looking back at the map of the new capital on Jin's desk.

- "Growing up in an orphanage does that to you," you replied, looking on happily as Jin kissed Yoonsun's forehead. Your childhood wasn't something you wanted to reminisce about at the moment, so you focused on them instead.

- Outside, the alarm bells at the castle gate started to ring. "Jinnie, come with me, you know the drill," you said quickly, taking Jin's arm and pulling both him and Yoonsun out of the room.

- Jungkook was close on your heels, and you reached Namjoon's study a few minutes later. He was already waiting there for you.

- Only seconds after you walked in, one of Ravi's messengers ran inside and said, "It's a carriage. Black, enormous, silver embellishments. And Captain Jaehwan is inside along with someone else."

- You would have run out of the castle then and there if Jungkook hadn't tactfully put a hand on your shoulder. Jaehwanie was here! "Who is the person with him? And is he hurt?" Namjoon asked, but his voice was cold.

- "The Captain seems uninjured, and the other individual is unknown. They requested a meeting with you, and Captain Jaehwan vouched for the stranger, if that helps," the messenger replied.

- "Let's get this over with so I can kill them both and then finish what I was doing," Namjoon said in a very annoyed voice, and it took every ounce of strength you had not to punch him in the face.

- He and Jin walked out of the room and handed Yoonsun off to Jackson who had been waiting by the door. Jungkook was behind them and you were on Jin's left. You managed not to run as you walked to the entryway, and Jin squeezed your hand discreetly when you reached the front door.

- Ravi's messenger had run off to let the carriage enter the grounds, and a few minutes later, it pulled up in front of the castle. He wasn't kidding, it was enormous! The whole thing was sleek and black, and the silver accents made you think of a giant shark.

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