Chapter 2: Draw in Flaws

Depuis le début

"What's with you and smiling? Haha

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"What's with you and smiling? Haha." I kept chuckling.

"What? You don't smile often." He walked me to my front doorsteps.

"Yeah, sure." I took out my keys. "So... you're leaving?"

"You want me to stay? We can work on homework together." He held onto his backpack firmly.

"Pssh, you'd think I let you stay? Plus, I like to work alone." I opened the door.

"Is it your parents? They don't like people in their houses?" Jungkook took a step.

"No... my dad is on a business trip, my mom is working a part-time job because she doesn't want to overwork dad who has to send money over every month." I held the door. Why did I just tell him my personal business?

"Oh, well then..." He stepped up and was standing right in front of me.

"Uhmm, excuse me?" I took a step back.

"Am I not allowed in? And you aren't excused, you should excuse me instead." He took another step forward.

"Dude, you're trespassing." I made a 'shooing' signal with my hands.

"Am I not your friend?" He gave a cute pout. (Pretend he is still in his uniform)

 (Pretend he is still in his uniform)

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"No, not really. Now go, go." I shooed him.

"Awe man, please? And I sorta need help with my math homework." He gave a tone that doesn't sound too convincing but he was frowning which was kind of irresistible. 

"Well fine, only for math homework." I opened the door more widely so that he can come in.

"Alright, thanks." He stomped inside.

"Don't touch anything." I closed the door.

And after I said that, he immediately touched every corner of the sofa as he could. "Hey, stop that!" Ugh, of course

He chuckled. I just scoffed and walked towards my bedroom. "Follow me, let's do homework in here."

"But out here looks much prettier than what's probably in there." He complained.

"Dakchyeo, what would probably make my bedroom ugly and messy is if you step inside of it." I groaned as I walked into my room.

Not Just A Pretty Boy {BTS-Jungkook FF [FanFiction-College/IDOL life]}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant