Bonus Chapter: Jen and Megan and a song

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This chapter is Shattered Hearts and Designs of Love. Please skip to the bottom to find out their song, if you haven't read Shattered Hearts. You will not miss anything from Jen and Alex's story. Be warned in the next story, Megan's secrets will be discussed.


Megan waved to her as she stepped out of the terminal. Jen smiled. She was home for the weekend and she'd be seeing Alex soon.

"I can't believe I'm getting into a minivan," Jen teased. "You're turning into your mother."

"Oh, please don't say that. I will never be like my mother." Megan groaned.

"Did she really choose Peter over you?" She still felt like there was a black hole. She missed so much by staying away for years.

"She had her reasons, but it hurt. We're in a better place now."

"She was worse than your Dad and Drew." Jen remembered when Megan's brother fought with his father over not being a lawyer. Thinking back, she said, "Your mother never liked divorced women, I hope she doesn't start hating me."

Megan laughed. "No way! So how was your week? Any famous clients?"

"A Rangers player, but don't tell Alex." Jen laughed.

"How was it working with your ex?"


Jen wanted to mention that it was still uncomfortable seeing Sterling and Trevor together, but she had been keeping secrets from Megan. She knew Megan had her own secrets. Her secret was weighing her down and a barrier to their friendship. There was a time when they knew everything about each other.

Megan started talking about Sophie and Alex's conversation when he arrived at her house earlier for the poker game. Jen laughed and felt her chest ache. She loved him so much.

Crossing the causeway, Jen said, "The feeling of excitement hasn't waned."

"You were the girl who said you hated this sandbar."

"Never hated. I wanted to get away from it, but I always thought I'd visit. I never wanted to stay away for so long."

The minute they walked into Megan's house, Alex was out of his seat grabbing her. She clung to him just taking in his warmth and smell.

"Come on, we're waiting, lover boy," John yelled.

Alex whispered, "Later, I want to..."

Jen giggled and pulled away blushing. She knew what he wanted, and she hoped the game wouldn't last too long.

Once in Megan's master suite each with a glass of wine, Megan said, "I love that you're so happy. Strange, but being cheated on was the best thing for you."

Jen definitely agreed as odd as it sounded. She could hardly envision her life with Sterling anymore. She had found herself, and then she found love.

Taking a breath, she asked, "Did Peter tell you about Sterling?"

"I told you, he only said that he didn't like him."

"So not the secret that I told him last May?"

Megan shook her head. "I told you before Pete only told me you talked. He keeps secrets..."

Jen heard Megan's voice trailed off as if she was referring to her own secrets.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she explained. "The first time I came back was really because of Sterling. Having the Thompson job gave me a reason to stay. I came home because I walked in on Sterling with his lover." Megan didn't respond. She may have known most of this. "The thing that made it worse was because his lover is my assistant, Trevor. Apparently I married a gay man."

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