16: Nobody Compares

Start from the beginning

"and I love him," My eyes widen. I know he has always loved me like a friend, but I can see he means this 'I love you' as in a boyfriends, on and only, kind of thing. He hasn't said that to me before, like in all honesty. I blush deeply, and he continues.

"so I said that I wouldn't go any further than holding hands with her, which by the way felt disgusting, but then suddenly she kissed me and of course there were paps. So I quickly pulled away from her, and told her that this did not work out, but of course the paps weren't taking photos when that happened. And I planned on telling you that night, I really did, but I'm afraid Zayn was just a little faster than me."

That was actually a decent explanation. But the main thing I focused on was that he said he loved me.

"Y-you love m-me?" I stutter out, and he chuckles before getting serious again.

"I love you so much Harry." He says softly and I bite down on my lip to stop myself from smiling.

I don't say anything in response though, so Louis nods sadly before he steps down from the bunk.

"Sleep tight Hazza." He says and is about to walk away, but I rush down from the bunk as well, and I just barely manage to grab his arm and turn him around. I then pull him close to my chest, and instantly smack my lips onto his, which catches him off guard, but he melts into the kiss eventually.

It quickly after turns very heated, and he presses me up agains the bunks, which would normally hurt, but my whole body is numb from the feeling of Louis' lips.

Then he lays me down in the bed and I straddle him with my legs, like we did the other day, but the other way around. We keep kissing until I pull away a little and whisper onto his lips.

"I love you too."

He smiles widely and I swear my heart melts. We start kissing again for a while, until I, once again, pull away a little.

"Don't you dare ever leave me for anyone else." I say.

"Nobody compares." Is all he says, before we start kissing passionately again.


It is a couple of days later, since we've been busy with concerts and interviews. In every interview we have been asked if any of us are in a relationship, to which I have had to say that I am single, and Louis is forced to say that he is with Eleanor, and it breaks my heart a little each time.

We have been playing truth or dare on the regular, just having fun and laughing, nothing too intense.

Today we are having yet another interview, but I am actually really excited about this one, since it is only Louis and I this time. We are currently in Paris for the tour, and it is so romantic here. I wish Louis and I could go out on a beautiful date here, but sadly we cannot. So I am using this interview as my only other option.


She starts by asking us if we speak French and I feel like this is my time to brag about the one line I know, so exactly that, I do.

We continue to talk about France a little and she asks.

"What do you like most, when you discover other countries? The food, the girls?"

Harry and I both avoid the 'the girls' part and talk about the food and culture instead.

"I really like seeing the different buildings." I say, and feel Louis' gaze on me so I turn towards him and we make eye contact, which I still get butterflies in my stomach of. Louis seems to get worried about how long we have looked at each so he covers it up by speaking again.

"But the girls as well, it's quite interesting to see."

And then I got sad.

She pulls out some pictures and tell us that she would like us to talk about them. We go through different photos, talking about the x-factor, our first album and our incredible fans. Then she hands me a photo, were each of us is described with two words.

We talk about Niall's and Liam's and then we get to the picture of me with the description 'hot and dangerous'

"I like dangerous." I say since I have not heard that one before.

"Not hot, why?" The interviewer then asks.

I blush and don't know what to answer, but then Louis extends his arm towards me and says, "No, of course he's hot." and my cheeks turn ten times redder.

We then a little after get to Louis' picture which says 'Funny and adorable' and I cannot help but say what I think.

"Um, I would describe him more as funny and handsome and rugged."

I see Louis smile at my comment which makes me happy.

"Thank you Dangerous Dave." He replies, and leans back in his chair. We get eye contact again, both smiling widely.

"I'll get you for that tonight." I say as low as I can manage, but still wanting for Louis to hear it.

Then we are both suddenly laughing, and oh God, Louis looks so fucking perfect I cannot even be in myself. He is so handsome, but just beautiful at the same time.

And then the interview is already over. I loved it.


W-count: 1,6k

Oh and btw the , is the same as . in danish so that's why I'm using it. In the W-count I mean. If you understood that.

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