Little Inside Help(26)

Start from the beginning

"Don't tell me what to do." I growled.

He jumped a little, "sorry... I'm going to talk with my demons, please hurry." with that he ducked out of the tent.

I dropped the clothes on the bed and started to strip out of mind, I folded my shirt and pulled the black one on doing all the buttons up to my collar. I folded my pants and pulled on the new ones, he was right the pant legs were a little short. I smiled, with a snap of my fingers they grew and fit just right.

'Ana, I found what we need, come back to where we started first door on the left, I'll be waiting right inside, bring Kalee with you if you can.' I called out to Ana as I strapped Marcel's mask to my face. I walked out of the tent and quickly made my way to the door to wait.

'On my way' was the response I got as I leaned on the wall next to the door.

I didn't have to wait long the girls had entered the same way I had. I walked over and took ahold of Ana's arm. She jumped and furrowed her brow at me, without looking away she grabbed Kalee, they both just stared.

"I know I'm pretty but we don't have time for you staring." I said making sure they knew who I was. Ana only rolled her eye, "Come on this way." I let go of her arm and walk back to Marcel's tent with the girls on my tail.

We all ducked in, but Marcel hadn't made it back yet, "What are we doing here?" Kalee asked.

"One of the demons, he recognized me, I talked with him and he said he could help," I un-clipped the mask and took it of my face, "He's the one that gave me these, and he's getting some for you girls right now." I said Ana nodded and sat down on the floor, but Kalee only crossed her arms and leaned her weight to one leg.

"How do you know you can trust him." she asked. I had a feeling that she would ask this.

"Because I lit a fire in him, gave him the idea of freedom. So if he helps us I'm going to give it to him." I explained but it didn't seem to change her mind.

"What if he actually when to get some one and bust our asses, were sitting ducks in here." she hissed.

"Good thing I didn't," he poked his head and and smiled before walking in with a pile of clothes and three masks.

"Here," he handed me one of the mask, I hand him his own, "Now you girls should get dressed me and Cipher will wait outside, after your going to tell me how this isn't a suicide mission." he smiled sweetly at the girls he put on his mask. I took the que and put on mind as well.

"We'll be right outside, call us in when your done." I patted Ana's shoulder. She nodded.

"So which one's your sister?" he asked as we stood outside the tent.

"Ana, the one with purple hair. Why you ask?"

"Their cute, but I don't know if I would be able to date your sister. No offence but I've heard of her... from what I've heard she's a handful." he laughed a little looking away from me and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah, ya shes a lot... But Kalee is too, the only reason I know her is because she's been trying to kill me for thousands of years. And a couple months ago we caught her. She's been locked up in our cells sense. The only reason she's out know is she studied this place so she could find the fasted ways to get in and kill me." I explained, his eye widen.

"What'd you do to piss her off." he laughed but he actually looked a little scared.

"Well I don't remember because it happened when I was a Head, but she says I killed her parents." I said.

"Wow... and she hasn't tried to kill you sense?" he asked.

"No I think she's taken a liking to Pinetree."

"Pinetree, your boyfriend. Is that his real name?" he asked.

I growled a little, How dare he!! "No, His birth name is Mason, but he has a birthmark on his forehead that looks like the little dipper, so ever since he was young everyone has called him Dipper." I explained. Thinking though it Pinetree goes by a lot.

"So why do you call him Pinetree?" he asked.

'Because he's mine and I can call him whatever I want!!' "Because his apart of my zodiac circle... he was the pinetree, and he always used to wear this blue hat with a pinetree on it." talking about it made me think about when he used to wear it. How much I scared him... but also the late nights when he would place the hat on the top of my statue before laying down for sleep, and the countless mornings he would forget it there and come running back like his tail was on fire. The moment of relief when he saw it still sitting on me.

"Hey you still in there," Marcel asked leaning in front of me, "the girls said we could go in..."

"Ya, I'm here come on." I blinked the memories away and turned quickly into the tent, he followed close behind me.

He shook off whatever question he had for me and smiled at the girls, they both stood in front of us in a black button up and knee length skirt and tall black socks.

"Ok so tell me, what's the plain here." he smiled and walked to the bed sitting down looking up at us.



Ooooook. I got the fabrics I need for my next cosplay, someone just commissioned me for a piece of art, and I just added another class to my schedule for this new semester. Also I got put on old meds again because the migrans have started up again.

Aka I'm doing great. I promise I will not let all this new stuff get in the way of publishing new chapters, don't worry.

Do you guys like Marcel, I came up with him in the shower yesterday. He kind of reminds me of Prince Bubblegum from Adventure Time. I did not mean to do that.  

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