chapter 1

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"And in the end, all I learned was how to be strong, alone."

I am woken up to the sounds of the maids running through the halls of the mansion, yelling and throwing open doors, closets, anything that can be opened. I sit up and rub my eyes trying to process whatever the hell could be happening to cause such an insane amount of noise when the sun is barely up.

I stand up and begin to stretch my body when a maid unlocks my door and busts into my room, she begins opening my closet, digging through everything, seaching my bathroom, the cupboards, anything and everything in my room. I stare at her in confusion until she whips her head around, eyes wide.

"Lucy! Have you seen Lucy?!" She all but yells, I look at her and chuckle.

"Yeah.. um seven years ago actually." I say smirking. She walks up and grabs my shoulders glaring at me.

"Jade! This is no time for your games! Your sister is missing! She could have been kidnapped, killed, who knows?!" I roll my eyes and glare.

"Please let go of me, and she probably left, this home is a prison. I would've left too. Now if you'll leave my room and continue your search for the angelic as can be Lucy somewhere else so I may shower that'd be fantastic." I say walking away from her and picking out clothes to wear.

"Just like your disgrace of an Uncle, only caring about yourself." She says glaring making me laugh.

"And just like him, I'll be out of your hair soon, you won't have to worry about me, now I'm going to say this one more time. Leave." 

I stare at her making my eyes glow their vibrant red and she quickly runs out, locking the door behind her. I smirk to myself and grab a simple outfit and enter the bathroom, turning on the shower immediatly. I let the bathroom fill with steam before I step in, enjoying the feeling of the burning hot water on my skin. 

One thing I have found out is that heat doesnt hurt me, I dug a lit candle into my arm and I felt nothing. No pain at all, I need to finish my uncles book, I remember in the prologue it mentioned that everyones powers are a little different. I wonder if I'm special. Huh.. Wouldn't that be nice.

Once I am finished with my shower I step out of water and quickly dry my hair and get dressed. When I exit the bathroom I see a dress sitting on my bed with a note on top of it 'Your father requests your presence in his office' I pick up the note and set it on fire making me laugh.

I quickly put on the long red dress and let my waist length black hair fall naturally. I look myself over in my mirror and sigh heavily as I finally get to leave my room, it's been almost a year and a half since I've set foot into the rest of the mansion. It should feel liberating, but in all honesty I feel as though I'm walking to my death sentence. 

I approach the office door, not bothering to knock and simply enter. I walk up to fathers desk to see him staring out the window and into the gardens with a frown on his face. To say he hasn't changed a bit is completely true, he looks the exact same as he did before, except much angrier this time around.

"You requested my presence father?" I say blankly, along with my voice, my face is blank as well. I refuse to show the fact that I want to blast him out this window and laugh as he falls.

"You haven't changed, still as rude as ever, not knocking, slouching when you walk, how disrespectful." He says still staring out the window.

"Did you call me to patronize me or to actually talk, cause I can easily leave and go back to my cell." 

"Your cell? Huh, fitting for a demon like you." He turns and looks at me with an intense glare on his face. "Where is your sister? What did you do with Lucy?"

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