My response was delayed by the thoughts whirling around in my head. Alina's voice of reason had me feeling slightly guilty. Sure I was going to miss my dad not always being around. But ever since he had come back into my life, he'd been everything I would want in a father.

"You guys are trying to make up for all those years lost. But that doesn't have to stop just because he's moving away. He's not planning to shut you out this time Estrella I can promise you that. I think it's best you hear it from him yourself."

"I know. I will speak to him. At some point."

"No. Not at some point. This afternoon. Ooh maybe you can chat before the party starts."


"Yes. Your baby shower."

"Baby what?"

"The baby shower I've been planning for the past month. Did you really think I would cancel just because you didn't want to see any of us? Not a chance. I secretly knew you'd come around, with my help, of course."

"You never cease to amaze me Alina." I laughed shaking my head.

"Well I love you and I love to throw a good party. Now I'm going to leave you to change. Penny is going to come and do your.."

Alina was cut off by an urgent knock on the door. Seconds later, my sister came bustling in.

"Estrella I'm really sorry I kept things from you please don't ignore me anymore I miss you and I promise I will never keep anything from you again, well without reason." She uttered in one single breath.

"It's Alright Penny. I forgive you. To be honest, I was being a bit childish and dramatic."

"Wow. Nice work Alina. I thought that would be a lot harder. Now, I shall go and fetch my materials from downstairs."

I adjusted my bra for what felt like the 100th time. I had outgrown yet another item from the maternity section!

"And my work is done! Don't worry it's really really light. All I did was enhance your pregnancy glow!"

"Glow? Hardly. By the way, have you seen Julius?  literally have not seen him all day."

"No I haven't seen him either. Weird. Maybe he will be downstairs with everybody else." Penny shrugged, shimmying into her own dress.

"Alright ladies. Time to go downstairs!" Alina announced winking at me.

One of the maids assisted me with my dress as I walked down the stairs to the dining hall. I blew out a sigh of relief when we reached our destination in one piece.

The dining room had been completely transformed, the walls covered in warm pastel decorations.

I gasped at the candid photos of my stomach hung up. The fairy lights brought about an air of comfort to the area.

Tears welled in my eyes. I hadn't realised how much I had missed everyone until I saw them all gathered in front of me.

"We are gathered here today, because as you can see, Estrella has a living breathing child in her stomach that's almost done baking. I'm sure she would like to say a few words."

I scowled at Alina knowing I didn't have anything prepared.

"Hi guys. This is a little weird considering that I've been in isolation for the past week. But I missed you all very much. I know I was being a little hard on you and I'm sorry for shutting you all out. This is a very very big deal for me and I'm really glad you're all here to share it with me."

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