15: Tell Me A Lie

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"I won't let you get away from me, ever." I promise, lying my head in the crook of his neck.

"You won't have to, I'm not going anywhere." He promises, kissing my forehead.

We stand there for a while and I pull myself together so I doesn't look like I've just cried when we get inside again.

The rest of the night I spend on trying my hardest to not burst into tears in the middle of the dance floor.

When we finally get home, I plop myself into my bunk, face first in the pillow.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I feel someone lie down beside me, and cuddle up next to me.

"Night, Hazza."

"Night, Lou." I smile, melting into his sweet touch as he lovingly caresses my arm.

That boy has me whipped. He can make me smile by just looking at me. I love how warm and comfortable he feels. And he smells so good.

I fall asleep to the sweet thoughts of Louis.


I wake up as I hear Niall's unbearable loud laugh from the kitchen. I extend my arm, thinking Louis would be lying next to me, but the bed is empty, where he was lying last night. I frown and yawn before getting out of bed. When I walk into the kitchen, Niall and Liam are doing some Scottish or Irish dance, while Zayn is laughing his ass off, but Louis is nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Louis?" I interrupt their, whatever that was.

All their smiles immediately fall, and Zayn speaks quietly "Um, he went on a date...with Eleanor."

My heart shatters into peaces. I knew this would come, but not this soon.

"Oh." Is all I can say before my tears start gliding down my cheeks. I slide down the wall, sobbing quietly to myself, not wanting all the boys to hear it. But since all their eyes are on me, I'm pretty sure they have noticed it.

They all rush to my side, and Niall starts patting my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry H."


It is now in the afternoon. My day has went by unbelievably slow without Louis around. I miss him already. And the thought of him being on a date with some, irritatingly beautiful, chick, is not exactly helping my issue.

I've been staying off my phone all day, not wanting to see pictures of them holding hands or laughing together, on the internet.

I'm in the process of making tea when Louis finally walks inside the bus.

"Hi Haz." He walks up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist and places his head on my shoulder.

A smile creeps onto my face even though I want to be a little mad, but what can I do? That man is the definition of perfection.

"Hi." I force the madness in my voice.

"I'm sorry, I was gone the morning, but management forced me on a date with Eleanor. And I really didn't want to leave, you look so cute when you're sleeping." He admiringly says.

"'m not cute." I mumble, still trying to be angry at him.

"Oh, you most definitely are."

I bite my lip to hide the grin beginning to form on my face. I'm interrupted, though, when Louis grabs my waist and turns me around on my tiptoes so we are face to face. He smirks a little before he kisses me deeply. I immediately melt into the touch, because Louis' kisses can make me do anything they want. If he kissed me and then told me to jump of a cliff, I would probably do it.

"I like being kissed by you." I smile sweetly.

"I like kissing you. You're the only one who deserves my kisses."


"Truth or dare?" Louis asks.

"Dare." I answer.

"I dare you to play the rest of the game without your shirt off." Louis smirks at me.

"That's a bad dare." I chuckle, but take off my clothes nonetheless.

"Not for me." He wiggles his eyebrows and winks at me, which makes me giggle, and may I say, not in a very manly way.

"Get a room!" Zayn shouts as a joke but Niall punches his arm and says, "Shut up Zayn, they're adorable!"

We continue the game 'till late at night, everything going fine. I frequently look over to see Louis staring at my chest and I blush and get all flustered. But he just shrugs and winks when we make eye contact.

We are all having a great night until..

"Truth or dare Louis?" Zayn asks.

"Truth." Louis replies.

"How was it to kiss a girl today, when you're with Harry?"

A lot of emotions spark through in that moment. My eyes widen, my mouth shoots open, my heart drops and I feel like I can't breath. Louis quickly turns his head towards me, before giving Liam a death glare.

"Oh..." Liam realizes that I did not in fact know this beforehand.

"Y-you k-kissed her?" I stutter and gulp.

He looks down in guilt and mumbles, "I did."

My sadness then gets replaced by strong anger when I remember what he said earlier.

"So when you said I was the only one who deserved your kissing, you just decided to tell me a lie? You could have told me, but you just lied to my face!" I accuse, feeling tears build up behind my eyelid.

"Haz..." He speaks softly, taking my hand in his.

"NO!" I quickly pull it away from him, stand up, and rush to my bunk, closing the curtains.

In this scenario I would really like a normal room, where I had a door, I could lock. Because of course Louis follows me to my bunk. He pulls the curtain a little, so only my head is watchable.

"Harry..just let me spea-"

"NO," I interrupt him. "just leave me alone, okay!?" I yell out, but it comes out a little strangled since I'm crying by now. Honestly, when am I not crying?

"Okay." He sighs.

The room goes silent and a couple of minutes later the rest of the boys go to bed as well.

The last thing I hear is Louis' whisper from under mine.

"Night Haz."

I don't answer.


W-count: 1,6k

Ugh, my heart. I'm sad.

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