Forty. 🔨

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When he told me I was about to find out I was hoping maybe it would be immediately, get it over and done with, what actually happened was Thomas dragged me down into the basement area where I had come from and into the room I had first discovered down here when I was hoping to not be sent to my aunt's house. There was still blood everywhere and I was chained to the wall in the same position as the man I had found down here. Thomas put a dirty piece of cloth into my mouth and tied it around my head in a gag like fashion before he left me alone. 

My body was throbbing due to post-surgery pain, I was surprised I hadn't started bleeding from the stitches but I guessed they had made them tighter this time due to them failing last time. I would give anything to numb the pain I was feeling in my body right now, I would even take being unconscious over this pain. 

If death was really coming to me I had a lot of things to regret in my life. I hadn't been the nicest person to anyone. I had really been a bitch, I had upset many people during my years on this earth. I don't think I had ever truly been in love, what I felt for Zayn wasn't love, my feelings for him had been strong but I don't think it was love. When it came to Harry, maybe it was just infatuation, maybe it was because he was there for me all the time, because he was the only person in my life. 

I liked to think I was a good friend to Jessica, but I knew that wasn't true. Sometimes everything had to be about me, I had given her bad advice and used her to pretend I was at hers when I was somewhere else. She had given me so much time and been such a good friend to me, I wondered if she felt the same about me.

When it came to Thomas I thought I had been a good sister, I guess I was wrong. If he truly loved me as a brother should then I wouldn't be in this position, he wouldn't be the one to put me here. I loved him so much, all this time I spent thinking about him, wanting to make sure he was okay, wanting to make sure he was alive and this is what happens to me when I do. 

Pulling the chains tightly I gritted my teeth angrily as I thought about everything. I hated being so weak and that's all I was, weak. Death couldn't come soon enough right now. 


"Look who we have here," I must have drifted off at some point but I was woken by a voice that echoed around my room. Opening my eyes I was face to face with a man who was around my father's age, all his facial features old and angry as he looked at me, he reached forward and removed the cloth from my mouth letting it fall around my neck. I moved my head from his touch, it was dirty, I felt sick having someone touch me even if it was for a brief second.

"Who are you?" I asked as I tried to back away but just found myself against the wall which was only a step away from where I had originally stood. 

He reached forward, his large hairy hand running through my brown hair as I tried to turn away from him but it was no use. "I've been waiting all this time to finally meet you."

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at this man, "What do you want from me?" I asked him as I looked him up and down, there was no way I was going to die without knowing why. 

"Let me introduce myself first," he said with a smile as he stepped back, "My name is Max." He looked at my face, at the scar on my cheek. "I guess you already know who I am though."

I had to admit he was not what I was expecting, although he was muscly and well built he also carried a little extra weight. He had an English accent which sounded like he was from an upper-class neighbourhood and his whole aura screamed businessman. I was shocked at the man who was in front of me, the man who was taking on my father. 

This man had some pretty big balls I had to admit, here I was in my own father's basement whilst my father was out, probably looking for me, after all, take your prisoners to the last place they would look, at their own home. 

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