Four. 🚬

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To say my father was disappointed in me was an understatement, understatement of the century actually. He appointed Louis to look after me for the rest of the evening, by looking after me what he actually meant was sitting next to me, making sure I was listening and following me when I actually needed the toilet, not that I had that luxury yet. 

"I want you to take Thomas along with you," I heard my father say to the group. 

My eyes looked at my brother who was engrossed in whatever was being said, he must have been listening to the rest of the conversation unlike myself. I had managed to keep myself busy by texting Jessica and Zayn. I had to admit hearing them talking about my brother had piqued my interest. I looked towards my father who was looking at Harry but he spoke again, "I want you to lead negotiations."

What he seriously trusting this half-wit to deal with something quite so important? I mean he didn't even have a clue about parking. There was no way he could be trusted with my brother's life. 

"I want to go," I spoke up making everyone around the table turn and look at me. "What?" 

"Oh sweetie," Harry's voice was full of sarcasm as he looked at me, his green eyes burning into my soul. "This is big boy work, we wouldn't want you to breaking a nail or anything."

I narrowed my eyes at this idiot before my attention was drawn away by my father lett out a chuckle, which in turn lead to everyone else around the table following suite and letting out a nervous laugh at my expense. 

Wow, well that was a shit show, to say the least. I shook my head as I held my hands up, mobile phone in hand before I looked at my father, "Thanks for the vote of confidence." I picked up my glass which was still three-quarters full of vodka before I necked it and slammed the glass on the table. "Maybe you can come and find me when I am good enough to help you all out."

I grabbed my bag and stormed away making sure to push the chair over as I pushed it back before I headed towards the stairs. Only I didn't make it to the stairs, I felt a grip on my wrist then I was spun around to face my father. My eyes widened before he spoke, his grip still tight on my wrist. "Do not ever disrespect me in front of everyone again!" His voice was low in tone and volume, his eyes flashed angrily at me before he let me go and pointed at my face, "You'd do well to remember who exactly I am."

My gaze fell to the table where everyone was looking at  us before I looked back at my father, "You are supposed to be my dad." My voice turned to a whisper as I said the last word. 

For a second I thought I saw his expression soften but maybe I was mistaken. "Do not mistake my love for weakness Ell," he reminded me. "You may be my daughter but I won't have you talk to me any other way but with respect."

I tried to find something in his eyes, something which would give me more than the words he was saying but I found nothing. 

"You are not ready for this side of my life," he told me bluntly. "You can go."

My hand gripped his, "I'm ready." I desperately wanted his approval, his love, to be part of his life. "Please?"

He removed his hand from mine, "Go home, Elliott." He turned away from me returning to his table, to the men he would rather be with than his own daughter. 

I watched him for a few seconds maybe a bit longer before I realised he was serious when he didn't look up at me. Tears pooled in my eyes as I looked away from the scene and down the stairs to the main area of the club. 

Checking my mobile I realised that my friends had left the club, I sent a text to my brother telling him I was going to stay at Jessica's tonight just in case there was any worrying from him or dad before I left the club. I tried to call Jessica when I was outside, she didn't pick up. 

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