Fifty. 🌑

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Trying to find a way out of this place was going to be difficult, there seemed to be someone guarding every few steps. The only rooms I was allowed to be in by myself was the bedroom I had been allocated and the bathroom, all the other rooms I was to be escorted to. Since arriving and being taken to the bedroom I had not left it and luckily didn't need to since there was an en-suite bathroom. I had been stuck in this room for nearly two weeks, basic food and water had been brought to me to keep me alive but if I wanted more then I would have to venture out of the room. I certainly did not want to be walking around this house if I didn't need to. 

The large bay window in the bedroom would have been the only place I might feel any kind of relief if it hadn't of been for the bars that covered them. The bars might have been a decorative pattern but the fact remained the same, they were put there to keep me inside, to keep me from escaping. 

I dreamed that I would see Harry again, that maybe we could share something, anything. Every day that I was stuck here my heart broke a little more, the realization that I was not going to be getting home, that every day I was here was just another day I wasn't spending with him. Needing someone was not part of my plan for life, I never thought I would need someone as much as I felt I needed him right now. I'd always thought I wasn't that type of girl but I knew that there were only a few options when it came to getting home. 

Sitting in the window I looked out at the garden that was below. It was a luscious garden with green grass and rose bushes with bright red flowers on them. I had been trapped inside for so long that I was almost not missing the breeze from the outside world, I almost didn't miss the fresh air you could breathe. None of that mattered anyway, not whilst I was stuck here. 

Getting up from the window I checked my face in the mirror that hung on the wall, I had removed the stitches in my face a few days ago leaving me with an angry red mark that was scabbed on bruised on my right cheek. I felt more unattractive each and every day, before Max I felt that I was making some kind of progress with how I felt towards my face. 

I opened the door, standing on the other side was one of the guards. He was a young guy, dark hair and dark eyes, large like a beefcake and as I looked I noticed there was a gun in his waistband. He looked over at me before I closed the bedroom door. I leaned against the door as I decided what I was supposed to do, should I actually leave the room?

My fingers touched the black choker around my neck, I never wanted any of this. I ran my fingers over the smooth velvet finish of the choker before I took my hand away from it wiping them down the black tee I was wearing. In this room, there were many different clothes and I had taken upon myself to wear whatever I wanted. 

Reopening the door I looked at the man who was standing out there waiting, I didn't speak as I left the room. I walked down the hall towards the stairs, there was a different man watching almost everywhere. Slowly I made my way down the stairs, I didn't know where I was going but I knew that I had to be strong. 

Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I was in the hall, the front door was right there staring at me waiting for me to escape. That was impossible given the number of people guarding every inch of this place. I hated this, all I wanted to do was run out the door, run out of here and try and find my way home, find my way back to my father, find my way back to Harry, just to have him in my life. Right now I didn't even care if he didn't feel the same as me, I didn't care if he only saw me once for the rest of my life, that had to be better than never seeing him again, never knowing the truth. 

"Well, well, well," a voice distracted me from the thoughts I was having as I realised I was staring at the door. I turned and looked to the man who had given me this collar, to the man who now owned me. "Finally decided to leave your room, did you?"

There was something about him that scared me, he had a look in his eye that seemed to be dark like he had a point to prove. I needed to show him I was not scared but I knew I was, scared that I would not see the people I loved the most ever again, scared that my life would never be the same again, scared that this was it for the rest of my life. 

"The novelty of all this," I said as I looked around the room before I looked back at the man who was standing before me. "Has worn off, now if you wouldn't mind I would quite like to return back to my own life now."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone stand forward but the man in front of me put his hand out to signal everything was okay before he looked at me and returned his hand to his side. "I don't think you quite understand, Elliott."

I looked at this man looking him up and down. His outfit was one of a casual nature, blue jeans and a grey tee shirt that was unbuttoned at the top. He actually looked like someone who was just a normal person, maybe someone who was going out to do their shopping. I understood alright, I knew I wasn't going to go home but it was worth a try, right?

"This here," he spoke as he smiled. "This is your home now." He reached forward his right hand coming towards my face before he pushed a few loose strands of hair back and tucked them behind my ear. "The sooner you get used to it the easier it is going to be for you."

Stepping back I got out of his touch as I looked at him my eyes narrowed, "I will never get used to being here." I wrinkled my nose as I looked at him, "I will never stop hoping that someone will find me and get me out of here."

"Oh sweetheart," he laughed as he shook his head at me. "This isn't a fairy tale. No one is coming to save you, no one even knows you are alive." The guys who guarded him in the room all laughed before he spoke again, "And the ones who do know you are alive don't even care."

Saving Elliott [Harry Styles] Completed ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz