Fifteen. 🌵

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My father was easily pissed off and as I sat opposite him in our living room and watched as he went from relaxed to standoffish I knew I had annoyed him

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My father was easily pissed off and as I sat opposite him in our living room and watched as he went from relaxed to standoffish I knew I had annoyed him. I shrunk back on the sofa, the leather squeaking as my bare skin moved against it. "I don't think you should be questioning me about my choice of staff," he narrowed his eyes at me. 

All I had simply done was ask about the girl who had been in the house, I had later found out her name was Emma and she was highly trained in the art of karate. Rolling my eyes I sighed, "I just don't appreciate some little bimbo telling me what to do."

He chuckled as he listened to me, "That bimbo as you so kindly put it, is here to keep you safe."

"I don't need her or anyone else but you," I told him as I reminded him who I really wanted to keep me safe. "As long as I am with you I am safe," I smiled at him as I crossed my bare arms over my chest. 

Our attention was diverted when my brother stumbled into the room, he looked between both me and our father before he apologized, "Sorry, I just wanted to get my phone." My father waved him into the room to the phone that was charging in the corner, my brother scurried in and grabbed his phone before quickly leaving the room. 

Looking back at my father I bit my lip, he rubbed his hands on his thighs as he shook his head. "With everything that happened back at your aunt's house-" He stopped himself mid-sentence before he took a deep breath. "I just need you to stay inside."

"But dad-"

"No," he snapped as I tried to protest, "We're not having this conversation. This is simple, you want to live in under this roof and be safe then you don't leave this house!"

I nodded at his words not wanting to agitate him anymore when my father got angry he could say the most ruthless of things sometimes. I did not want to be on the receiving end of his fury when he was in a bad mood. 

"I only want to keep you safe," he told me as he managed a smile. "You and Thomas mean everything to me after your mother left I swore to myself that I would keep you safe."

Listening to his words all I could do was sit and be quiet, I was unsure how to answer him and how to talk about my mother. We had not talked much about her even when myself and Thomas used to ask, all I knew was she had left not long after our first birthday. She was never around long enough to call herself our mother, I never did ask why she left, all I knew was she probably had a good reason, no one leaves because of nothing. 

"Ell," my father spoke calmly, "I love you."

Smiling at my father I spoke, "Love you too."

Sometimes my dad could be caring, I loved him the most when he was like that. 

My father stood up and started to walk towards the door, "Emma is only here to make up the numbers." He looked back at me as he stood in the doorway, "She won't be sticking around."

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