Twentynine. 📚

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I had taken to reading, reading all and any books I could find in the house. It was an easy way to keep out of Harry's way. He'd stopped leaving the house, it had been two weeks and he'd not left the house a single time and it didn't matter that I only saw him once a day, if that, I didn't feel like I could take anything whilst he was around. I had run out of pills to take but the pain seemed to have subsided. 

The problem I found with books were they took me to a place I didn't want to be, I found myself dreaming of things that could be, things that might have been. The more I read about two people falling in love the more I related to Zayn. I remembered out happier times, times when it was just us. The problem with believing in that love was I had to face up to the truth. The truth was he didn't love me, the truth was he had just used me. For believing him, for falling in love I had to pay a price and that price was my beauty. 

I didn't think I was too shallow, but I knew. I could see it on people's faces when they saw me, I could hear it in their voices when they spoke to me, I knew people pitied me and that made me feel even worse. I just wanted to be part of the world of the books, to disappear inside them and be surrounded by all the beautiful people that filled them, those people were beautiful inside and out. 

This evening was the same as any other, boring and lonely. Harry was upstairs, probably in his room or watching the cameras, I was down in the living room laying on the sofa watching telly. It was boring, there didn't seem to be anything on. I had spent a good ten minutes flicking through the channels before settling on some crappy reality tv show. 

After half an hour I got bored of watching some people flirting with each other on an island, switching the telly off I left the living room before retreating up the stairs. As I walked past Harry's room I could hear music playing avoiding making too much noise I entered my own room before I closed the door. 

Retrieving the box from my drawer I pulled out a small packet of the white powder. He wouldn't even know, he wouldn't even care. He'd not seen me all day so I wasn't worried that he would come and find me. Arranging a few lines on the sideboard I took the rolled note and snorted two lines in quick succession, the hit was crazy, I had not felt like this before. 

I switched my music on letting the volume fill my room as I laid on my bed and stared at the two lines of white powder that awaited me. All I wanted to do was to finish them off but all I could do was lay here on the bed and laugh to myself. 

"Fuck it," I pushed myself up from the bed and let myself snort the last two lines before I danced around my room. As I tripped over my own feet I fell against my door, my hands grabbing the handle before I laughed again. Pulling myself to my feet I opened the door and exited my room. As I danced down the hallway I stumbled outside Harry's room before I held on to the bannister and knocked on the door. 

I waited with a massive grin on my face before he ripped the door open and looked at me, "What do you want, Ell?"

Biting my lip I smiled, "I just want some company."

Harry raised his eyebrows at me as he looked me over, "Just go to bed."

"Come on, Harry," I whined as I leaned my back on the bannister and ran my left hand through my hair. "I hate being alone."

He sighed before he stepped out of his room, the light hitting his face as he closed the door behind him. "What are you expecting me to do?" He asked as he looked me over. 

"Entertain me," I spoke slowly before biting my lip.

He edged closer to me, his eyes staring into mine before he stepped closer to me, he was millimetres from me, his eyes flickering between both mine before his hands slammed into the bannisters behind me and he took a step back. "What have you taken?!" He ran his hands through his hair as he turned back and looked at me. "Where? How?"

Rolling my eyes I stepped away from him, "You are such a spoilsport."

He stormed towards my bedroom, I followed him closely before he entered and saw the small packet on my cabinet. I stood with my arms crossed leaning against the wall just inside my bedroom as he held up the little packet and examined it. 

"What are you doing with this?" He asked me as he turned and looked at me. The fire was in his eyes and his hair was in his face as he stalked across the door towards me. I didn't speak as I tutted at him before I shrugged my shoulders. "Do you not realise that I am here to look after you? How can I look after you if you are taking drugs?"

"Please stop banging on about how you are looking after me," I sighed not letting it bother me how close he was to me. "You've barely spoken to me in two weeks let alone make sure I am okay. Do not tell me you are looking after me!"

"Don't raise your voice at me!" He snapped as he raised his voice at me, he pointed his right forefinger at me as I leaned against the wall. 

Uncrossing my arms I smirked, "You don't scare me, Harry Styles." Maybe it was the drugs talking as I found a new confidence. 

He looked surprised but it didn't stop him from grabbing my right wrist and dragging me out of the room, I tried to struggle out of his grip but I was weaker than him and he was definitely angry. His grip tightened as he led me down the stairs, my feet not quite coordinating as I stumbled down a few steps before he let me go and put his arm around me getting me back to my feet. 

"This is stupid," he told me as we guided me down the stairs, his arm staying behind my back. I thought maybe he was coming to, that he was going to leave me alone. Once at the bottom he took my hand again and led me into towards the door to the basement. 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I tried to dig my heels into the ground. 

Harry didn't speak before he unlocked the door and as soon as the door opened he dragged me down the stairs. He took me into the first room where all the guns were. 

"Wanna kill yourself?" He asked me as he pushed me into the room. 

I stood in the middle of the room and looked around at him, "What?"

"If you want to kill yourself, go ahead, take a gun and do it."

My eyes looked at all the guns on the wall and around the room, grabbing hold of a medium size gun I grabbed some bullets off the side before pushing them into the barrel. I looked up at Harry before I turned the safety off the gun and held it to my head, my finger resting against the trigger. The drugs made me do things I wouldn't normally do, I felt like I was walking on air. 

"Ok!" Harry launched forward and grabbed the gun from my hands. "Are you fucking crazy?!" He quickly took all the bullets out before he slung the gun on the side. "Do you actually want to die?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "If this," I motioned to the everything. "If this is my life from now on, there's not much to live for, is there?" I told him as I shook my head. "I've been here for well over a month and you're the only person who I have seen in that time. You are controlling every move I make, I haven't even spoken to my dad, how do you think I feel?"

He stepped away from me, he looked lost, almost like he didn't know what to say. What do you say to someone who is feeling like death is a good option?

"I just want to talk to my dad," my voice broke as I thought about it. The fact that we hadn't spoken since I left, I needed to hear his voice, I needed to know he was okay. 

Harry sighed as he ran a hand through his brown locks before he pulled his phone from his pocket. "Make it quick."

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