Seventeen. 💔

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Every inch of me was telling me to get inside and to lock the door, but the stupid part of me wanted to hear everything that he had to say, I needed to know things. Why was he here? Why was he calling himself my boyfriend? Why did he do those horrible things? Was everything really a lie?

"Did you ever love me?" I asked him as I kept my hand on the door. 

He pressed his lips together, "I wouldn't say, love. I have grown particularly fond of you though."

Even just hearing that he lied about loving me broke me a little bit. "Why are you here?" I asked him as I felt tears welling in my eyes. It was stupid of me to be drinking, now my emotions were in overdrive.

He smirked, "I needed to see you."

Letting go of the door I held my hands out to the sides of me, "Well here I am." I offered as I bit my lip, I didn't want to cry, I would rather get angry right now. "You have to leave."

I watched as he stepped towards me, my hands shook as I tried to grip the door but before I knew it he was there in front of me, his hands on my shoulders the same place that Thomas had held me earlier. "You have always been so beautiful Elliott, beautiful but naive to what is happening around you."

My eyes widened as he reached into his jacket pocket with his right hand but I found myself frozen in place unable to do anything. I watched as he pulled out a small pocket knife, the blade glistening in the lights. "What are you doing?" I asked as he moved the knife up and towards me. 

"Trust me," he said, his voice like a snake in a whisper. I bit my lip and gulped before he pushed the serrated edge against my face. The cold metal was just pushed against the skin and I knew it wouldn't take much to break the skin, the knife just below my right eye on my cheekbone. 

I looked down at the knife as I felt the tension in it on my skin, it hurt me, scared me that he was doing this right now. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him in a small voice as I met his dark eyes. I wanted to see into them, see if there was something there, maybe regret, a hint of him lying, a hint of love for me, but I saw nothing. "Zayn?"

For a moment he just stared into my eyes, his face softened as he looked at me, everything seemed to stand still. He opened his mouth just a little, I hoped he was going to speak, to say something. I waited, hopeful of some good words that might leave his lips until we were disturbed by the other door opening from the other side of the house. 

We both looked over, my eyes catching Louis' who looked between me and Zayn before he realised what was happening. He shouted something, I didn't quite catch it as my attention was suddenly on the pain in my face. I was frozen as he pushed the blade into my skin and dragged it down the middle of my cheek. Screams left my lips as he fled leaving me to clutch my face that was pouring with blood. 

My hands grabbed at my face as I screamed loudly, my knees going weak as I fell down my hands wet and red with the blood that was leaving my face at an alarming rate. "Oh my God," I started to panic, my breathing fast as I closed my eyes and tried to will away the pain that was overpowering every sense in my body. 

"Ell," Louis' voice penetrated my ears before I managed to look at him, my hands and top covered in blood as I felt it dripping down my body. "We've got to get you inside, now!"

I couldn't move, moving hurt my face more than he knew, I shook my head as felt the pain rushing through me again. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to move at the same time. "I'm scared," I admitted as tears left my eyes and rushed down my face. 

Louis put his arms around me before he helped me to my feet, "It's going to be okay," he told me blindly. I knew he was lying, I wasn't stupid. I allowed him to lead me into the house through the door he had come from where he closed the door behind us and started to holler, "Help please!"

Holding my face I looked at Louis before I felt my eyelids growing heavy, my hands and body feeling heavy as I felt a little faint. Louis must have noticed because he put his hands on my arms as I swayed back and into the wall. I removed my hands from my face to steady myself, my bloody hands leaving prints on the wall as I touched it before I looked at them realising just how much blood was on them. "Dad," I spoke as I looked at Louis. "Get my dad."

Louis' eyes looked at my cheek, his eyes widening, I wasn't sure if it was shock, surprise or disgust but he soon started shouting again as I felt my eyelids starting to close. "Ell," I heard his voice say my name. 


Seeing my dad look so vulnerable when I woke up, it hurt me more than my face did

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Seeing my dad look so vulnerable when I woke up, it hurt me more than my face did. I looked at him as he stood in the doorway in his usual get up, the only thing missing was his smirk. I tried to smile at him but it just hurt my face more. "Don't try to move," he told me as he crossed the room and sat in the chair by my bed and held my left hand which was closest to him. 

"What happened?" I asked him as I lifted my right hand to feel my face but my dad caught it before I could touch my face. 

"Please," he begged, "Don't." He let my hand go and I let it return to my side. 

I wondered if it could possibly be that bad, if the pain was anything to go on it was a lot worse than I imagined. I wanted to know, I wanted to feel it, I wanted to see it but I didn't. "Is it bad?" I asked my dad as I turned my face to look at him, leaning my good side against the pillow that was behind my head. 

His eyes looked over my face before he sucked in a deep breath, "You are very lucky."

"Dad, please."

He held my hand tightly, "If it was any deeper it would have gone straight through your cheek."

This shocked me, I thought that Zayn loved me and now I realised it was all a lie. Everything was a lie. Turning away from my dad I looked the other way, my cheek just off the pillow as I cried silently to myself. I never thought I meant that little to someone that they could do this to me. 

"Ell," my dad spoke softly and gently. "I'm going to make this all okay."

All I could do was listen to his words as I laid in my own bed, I couldn't even leave, I was trapped here with the pain that was coursing through my veins. I wished I could make everything go back to how it was before but I knew things would never be the same again, not after everything that had happened.

"Try and get some rest," he told me before I heard him get up out of the chair before he left the room, his warm hand leaving mine to get cold. 

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