Twentysix. 🕊️

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Harry watched me like a hawk as I entered the kitchen, I scraped the plate into the bin before dumping the empty plate on the side by the sink. I turned to face him, he was sitting at the small table looking in my direction, his plate clean in front of him. "What do you want to show me?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow. 

He got up from his seat and put his plate on top of mine before he spoke: "Come with me."

I followed him as he went up the stairs, he entered the bedroom that he had been sleeping in. "This better not be some weird set up," I complained before I entered his room as he turned the light on. 

Harry gave me a strange look before he headed to the wardrobe, "This is where you need to come if there is ever a problem." He opened the door to the built-in wardrobe before he pushed the clothes out the way revealing a hand scanner that was covered by a white lid. "Put your hand on it," he told me as he held the lid back. 

Putting my left hand on the scanner, Harry swiped a card underneath the box before it turned green underneath my hand then the back of the wardrobe opened up. I looked at Harry before I stepped into the room which had stairs going up and stairs going down. 

"Upstairs is a panic room filled with everything we need." He told me as I headed up the stairs. I got to the top and again I had to put my hand on a scanner this time the door which opened looked a lot stronger than the other one, thicker and heavier. Stepping into the room I looked around at it, it was a lot smaller than expected.

I groaned, "It's fucking tiny."

"It's not going to used for much," Harry told me as he stepped in behind me and pressed the red button on the wall. He turned to the back wall before pressing the blue button and turning on the screens, "This button controls the screens. This has an intercom system too, the yellow button controls that."

Looking at each screen I sighed before I turned around only to find enough room for two steps, "I hope we don't have to use this room," I expressed my views. "It's bad enough being stuck in this massive house with you, being stuck in this room with you would be a nightmare."

Harry shot a look at me, "Because spending time with you is a fucking delight."

Rolling my eyes I looked at the closed door, "Can we leave now please?"

He pressed on the red button and the door opened before I pushed past him and left the room, as I got to the bottom of the stairs and to the entrance I looked down the set of stairs that led down. 

"What's down there?" I asked as he walked down the steps. 

Harry looked like he didn't want to answer the question, his eyes looking down before looking back to me. "That's another exit and entrance," he told me. "It's only for emergencies."

"What's classed an emergency?" I asked him with a smile. 

His face became very serious, "I'll let you know when things get to that stage"

I rolled my eyes at him before stepping back into the main house, back into his bedroom. I looked around at it taking a proper look in the light, it was almost like his room back at his mother's house, hardly anything here. 

"Whilst you're here," I said as he locked it all back up. "Who's looking after your mum?"

He didn't turn around to look at me as he spoke, "It's none of your business."

Literally trying to make some conversation, I could not be dealing with this hostile attitude all the time. Quickly I left his bedroom and returned to my own room, I had been spending a lot of time in here alone and tonight didn't seem like it was going to be an exception. 

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