Abused - Daniel Seavey

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"Here," Daniel said with a smile. He picked me up and I started shaking from fear. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, remember?" I nodded then he smiled at me.

A few minutes later we arrived at a huge house, we all went inside then Daniel placed me on the couch gently.

"Corbyn get ice for her face, Jack get the band aids, Jonah get the cream for bruises, and Zach get some cloths," Daniel ordered. All of the other boys nodded then dispersed throughout the house to get what they were told. Daniel faced me then held my hand gently. "We're going to get you fixed up ok? If anything hurts just tell me," Daniel told me. I nodded.

All of the boys came back with the objects and they all set the things beside Daniel. Daniel handed me an ice pack and smiled. "Put it on your cheek, it's pretty swollen." I nodded then held the ice pack against my cheek. He saw blood on my shirt then looked up at me. "Do you mind if I lift your shirt up to take a look?" I shook my head and smiled. Daniel lifted up my shirt just enough to see the damage, there was a huge cut that was gushing blood. He put the clean clothes on it and applied some pressure.

When the bleeding went down he let the towels just sit there on their own then went to my legs, I was wearing jeans so he couldn't pull them up easily. "In order for me to get a better look I need you to take off your jeans, if you don't want to then that's ok, do whatever makes you feel comfortable," Daniel told me.

"Bro, you sound like a perv right now," a boy, who I think is Jonah said.

"Shut up Jonah, I'm just trying to help her," Daniel snapped. He turned to face me again and smiled. "What do you want to do?"

"I-I'll take th-them o-off," I whispered. Daniel nodded then helped me slowly pull the jeans off of my legs. I was left in just my white underwear and my t-shirt. He looked up and down my legs to see multiple bruises and cuts, all of the other boys came to look and I got scared so I covered my face and winced.

"Back off guys, she's scared," Daniel said quietly. They all backed up quite a bit then Daniel slowly pulled my hand off of my face and held it gently. "It's ok, they won't hurt you."

He grabbed some ointment that's supposed to help bruises, he rubbed some all over my legs because almost all of my legs were bruised. Daniel was being gentle when putting it on but it still hurt, I winced and Daniel instantly stopped.  "I'm sorry, am I going too hard?"

"N-no," I replied. He nodded then kept spreading it, but even more gentle this time.

When he finally got the ointment all over my body he let me just lay there, he held my hand gently and all of the other boys left so I wouldn't be scared.

"Do you feel a bit better?" Daniel asked. I nodded my head. "Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"J-just water p-please," I said, just above a whisper. Daniel nodded then left to get me water.

He came back with a glass of water with a straw in it, he knew I was too weak to hold it so he put the straw up to my lips and held the cup for me. I took a few sips then pulled my lips off of the straw. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Your welcome," he replied with a gentle smile. "Do you want to stay here for the night? It's starting to get late."

"N-No I'll just go back to my apartment," I told him.

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