Your not alone godammit

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With cloudy and dead seeming eyes you scanned the area around you.

People stood around you in two split lines; usually they would stand in one big crowd but for shinobi like you they made space everytime.

But you were not alone, other people with the same job as yours were beside you, with a titled down head, shock and depression was written on their faces.

The villagers just starred at you, as if it was something usual.

Actually, it was something usual.
But was it so hard to show sympathy?

You eyes drifted more to the side, where the kids always had their seat; mostly they would look out of the window or stand on the wooden boxes to get a higher place and a better view.

A few of them were starring in awe, other ones grinned from one ear to the other, amazed to see the anbu coming back, saying that you all were heroes.

One boy waved and flailed as you looked at him, gave you a large smile while saying awesome
You tried your best to smile back, tried to show kindness.

A hero smiled even if it seemed impossible.

Fleshing your teeth in frustration, you looked down at your hands, which were holding the rein in a tight grip, so tightly that your knuckles already began to turn into a paler color than your usual skin tone.

You bit your lip as your tried to hold back your tears.

Usually, you weren't someone who cried that easily.
Normally you wouldn't even have cried in this kind of situation but... you just couldn't hold it. Or at least you tried it; and it kind of worked.

Taking deep breaths, you steadied your emotion again and bottled them up in the deepest place of your soul.

You wouldn't cry, not now.

Enough people were crying, even thought it wouldn't matter if one or two would decide to join the club of the tear shedding Shinobi.

You heard how someone talked to sasuke to your left.

You didn't really want to hear what they were talking about, so you tried your hardest to focus on your hands and only heard itachi....the village... forced.
You stole a quick glance into sasuke's direction.
The look on his face said everything.

This pain in his usually sharp eyes; it killed you on the inside...


Days past. Weeks past.

Day after day, everything seemed to be normal again, like it was before, but you knew it better.
Sasuke wasn't acting like his regular self.
He could trick others but not you!

You had studied his actions and reaction for so long, you already knew what was in his mind– well, sometimes... at least you hoped so...

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