All I want for christmas

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After an overwhelming victory against evil and keeping the village stable for another day, the shinobi were spending this December twenty-fifth celebrating. They earned it anyway, but this. . . this was a bit much. shining

Your best friend ino pulled––more like dragged––you aside into her room from the merrymaking so you could watch her bundle herself with red, black and white. When you saw ino in such a ridiculous outfit, you wanted to ask her where she got it and more importantly, what possessed her to put such a costume on. 

You wanted to say something, to either point out how unflattering that beard was on the woman or how the fat suit underneath that crimson coat was waiting to burst. But when you let your lips part, she curtly stopped your formulated thoughts.

"I've been doing some research, and I came across a guy named Santa Claus! Odd name, right? But I also learned what he does, or what he used to do. This old guy would go around the world within one night and delivers gifts to kids that have been nice! Not to mention, he has a huge labor force of elf people! Since it's been a while, I assume he's probably not around anymore. So, someone should step up to the challenge this year!"

In shock, your eyes bugged out of your head. You couldn't even believe what you were hearing.  Why in God's name would she try to do a task like this?

"ino!" You finally exclaimed. She stopped, mid thigh in red trousers with cotton toughs to whip her head to you. Her glasses were askew due to the force and she quickly pulled the pants up before nudging the glasses up the bridge of her nose. She blinked a bit at your outburst before finally snapping the elastic of the trousers against her lower belly.

"What, sakura?" Before you could rebuttal, you felt inos eyes examine your frame. You were much shorter than her, for you were tilting your head up to look at her. She seemed to calculate something, because instead of the inquiry previously scribbled on her face, a look of sheer deviousness flashed in her eyes.

 Eagerly, she wrapped the tattered pillowcase around your waist, tugging you over so that you stood right in front of ino. She must be using it to store something, for you saw brightly wrapped boxes and bags nearby her desk.

"You know, sakura" She started, tapping a finger against her lower lip. "You resemble those elves I was talking about before. Well. . . not exactly, but close enough––"

Oh no. You knew exactly where this was going and you weren't going to have it.

"No." You stated bluntly, shaking your head. Ino furrowed her brows, pouting at you.

"I wasn't finished, sakira! You're so rude, maybe enough to champion sasuke!" Your cheeks involuntarily flushed at the reference to the uchiha.

 Ino took advatage of your embedded feelings for the male to make today just like it used to be. Before bloodthristy criminals were around and slaughtered thousands to say the least.

"Now, hear me out." She continued, her lips curled into a playful smirk as a glove hand clutched her hip. "I know how you feel about race and I think what I'm going to propose will benefit you greatly." 

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