hogwart pick up lines Sasusaku style

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Sasuke: hey sakura

Sakura:huh what is it?

Sasuke:let me out my basilisk in your chamber of secrets

Sakura: go die!!

Sasuke: aww c'mon let's have a little contest

Sakura: huh?

Sasuke: simple, a pick up lines contest.

Sakura; hurry up uchiha i have to go to bed

Sasuke; mind if I slytherin?

Sakura; not bad. But I don't need a legardium leviosa spell to get you up.

Sasuke; nice try sweetie but I would become a dementor for you just to get a kiss

Sakura; my love burns for you like a Phoenix

Sasuke; do you know platform 9 and 3/4 well I know something else that measures the same, let's make some magic together, my wand is ready

( Blush from sakura)

Sakura;well..... Id ride your wand anyday.

Sasuke; be my guest sweetheart but there's one thing I would like to tell you that all uchihas are meant to be in slytherin.

Sakura; hmmmm

Sasuke; everything about you is perfect, except your last name, but I can help you with that.

Sakura: you don't have to say accio to make me cum

Sasuke; one night with me and they will call you moaning Myrtle, I bet your a howler.

Sakura; ummm

Sasuke; just give up

Sakura; no! Ummm if I opened my gryfindor would you Slytherin?

* omg did I just say that*

Sasuke: when I looked in the mirror of erised,( the mirror of erised is the mirror that shows what you want most in the world) I saw you and me together.

Sakura: funny so did I

Sasuke.. Huh? Really?!

Sakura: yeah you were busy shouting and screaming in pain 

*that will teach him shanaroo!*

Sasuke: are you sure it was pain and not ecstasy sweetheart.

Goes closer to sakura and bends down

Sasuke: I never took you as a sadist sakura.

Sakura: huh?!!! What I am not a...!!!!

Sasuke: shhh( put a finger on her lips) I don't mind, but I have to warn you, I am on top.

Sakura faints.

The end

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