Thug Sasuke

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Sakura pov

You take in a deep breath, before you looked around the grungy surroundings that you were about to sing in. Slightly obnoxious laughter filled your ears, and you couldn't help but look at the source of it. A group of men were playing cards with one another, and daring each other to take shots. Most of the men in the group's cheeks were reddened with the effects of alcohol, and you cringed at how disgusting they were, as they stared at women's cleavage from afar.

'Come on, you'll get a nice check. Don't be intimidated, sakura. Project yourself as a strong, capable woman.' You reassured yourselves in your thoughts. You noticed one of the men turned around you stare at you, and you felt a bit uncomfortable when he smirked.

 Quickly, you switched your gaze over to the door, in hopes of avoiding confrontation. 'Ugh, dammit, is this even worth the money?'

"Sakura, you've got a minute. Hurry up." Ino, your somewhat manager somewhat idiotic friend ushered. You reluctantly got up from your spot, and sauntered towards the stage. Even without your eyes looking towards the crowd, you could feel stares burning into your body. It's not like you wore the most revealing outfit in the world, but a bunch of horny drunken idiots could care less it seemed. Much to your luck, no one hollered.

You had finally reached the stage, your delicate hands slipping around the microphone. The room was filled with a pregnant silence, until the door chimed, signaling a person was walking in. You stiffened up as you recognized the figure, sasuke uchiha. He didn't care enough to close the door, which caused the wind to blow it close in a loud slamming sound.

He was covered in head to toe in a variety of tattoos, with piercings dotting on his nose, eyebrows, and ears. You remember back when you were still in high school you'd see him on occasion. You were failing a particular class once, and you were rather surprised to see such an oddly dressed kid become your tutor. It was only a few times - but it was memorable. Maybe you were stereotyping him because of his bad boy looks, but damn was he impressively smart.

Sasuke froze for a split second when he recognized who you were, before raising a pierced eyebrow, and walking over to a stool. Great, if you were scared before, now you were practically shaking with fear. With a new set of steely eyes set on you, you finally heard the music start playing from behind take in another deal breath before releasing your voice

"I look and stare so deep in your eyes, I touch on you more and more every time, when you leave I'm begging you not to go, call your name two three times in a row. Such a funny thing for me to try to explain, how I'm feeling when my pride is the one to blame. Yeah, cause I know I don't understand, just how your love can do what no one else can."

The words flew elegantly from your mouth, your voice never squeaking or falling short. You had fully captured the attention of every person in the bar - the drunks, the bartender, and sasuke. Like usual, any doubts and fears you had melted away with your airy voice that travelled throughout the room. Ino was even in the corner giving you a thumbs  up.

"Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's got me looking so crazy right now, got me looking so crazy right now, your touch's got me looking so crazy right now. Got me hoping you page me right now, your kiss's got me hoping you save me right now, looking so crazy your love's got me looking got me looking so crazy in love."

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