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Warning : sai isn't in this oneshot.

Ino yamanka was good at pretending, so that's what she did.

She pretended she was the most beautiful girl in konoha if not that the entire world.

She pretended Sakura wasn't prettier than her.

She pretended that sasuke had only eyes for her.

She pretended she was the smartest girl

She pretended she was the most hottest girl

She pretended that sasuke would always stare at her during class even though She sat in the top right hand corner of the room and he sat in the front.

She pretended sasuke is just a bit nervous and shy about approaching her about his feelings that is all. 

Yet she clearly knew that sasuke uchiha wasn't shy at all and wouldn't hesitate to confess to the one he likes. 

That person wasn't her. It was Sakura haruno. But ino pretends.

She pretended that everyone was jealous of her and her alone.

She pretended that sakura wasn't getting stronger and stronger

She pretended that tsunade have sakura an apprenticeship so she would then be able to get the opportunity to mentor ino.

She pretends that She was the one who surpassed the hokage.

She pretends that Sakura isn't more powerful than She is.

She pretended that Sakura s eyes didn't sparkle and glow

She pretended not to see the glances sasuke would cast in Sakura s directions. 

No way he's looking past her. He's looking at me

She would tell herself daily.

She pretended she had graduated top of the class. Not sakura.

She pretended that nothing was going on.

That they were just teammates . Friends at most

(Yeah... Friend with benefits. Muahahahaha)

She pretended that assume returned to the village not because Sakura had asked him but because he remembered her.

She pretended she was going to be the future uchiha matriach.

She pretended that sasuk e wasn't smitten.

She pretended that Sakura had only moved into the uchiha compound because of the fact her parents wanted more room for the next child.

She pretended not to see sasuke and Sakura holding hands down the street in the way to their 'home'.

She pretended not to hear the constant remarks about how good they looked together

How cute they are

How goals they were

How pretty and gorgeous Sakura was getting

How they totally suited eachother.

She pretends.

She pretended not to see sasuke in the jewellers a few weeks ago as he collected a red velvet box.

She pretended not to hear the shop owner wish him good luck.

She pretended not to see sasuke looking nervously at the box as he walked out of the shop.

She pretended that there wasn't a knot in her stomach.

She pretended that it wasn't sakura and sasukes 4 year anniversary.

As she walked down the street at night she pretended not to hear the elated squeal that Sakura let out.

She pretended not to hear the dreaded words

 "I DO!!!"

 She pretended not to see sasuke carrying her bridle style and kissing her.

She pretended not to see them both heading into the same bedroom.

She pretends she doesn't cry at night

She pretends she hasn't been getting moodier.

She pretends that there aren't any eyebags under her eyes.

(No... She ain't got bags.... She got luggage muhahahaha)

She pretends that she's still popular.

She pretends that boys go crazy for her.

She pretends she isn't getting more and more anti social.

She kids herself that she's the hottest girl in town.

She pretends that Sakura didn't run up to her and hand her a wedding invite.

She pretends its her as Sakura walks down the aisle

She pretends Sakura doesn't look stunning, striking or breath takingly beautiful.

No way! 

They were all looking at her.

She pretends that sasuke isn't nervous during the vows.

She pretends that it was really her who kissed sasuke.

She pretends that Sasuke and Sakura didn't announce that they were expecting.

She pretends that Sakura didn't give birth to a baby girl called sarada.

She pretends not to see sasuke holding Sarada's very apprehensively whilst Sakura helped him.

She pretended not to over hear sasuke say

I love you Sakura

She pretends not to hear sakura say

I love you too sasuke kun.

She pretends so she doesn't get hurt

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