Letters AU sasusaku prt1

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This is AU sasusaku, basically charasuke x sakura

To: crying Sakura

From: gods gift to women, Sasuke uchiha

After seeing you cry on that dobe known as menmas shoulder, I realised you were under the false illusion that those morons could help you, I thought you would've known better by now although I understand what grievous times we are in since it is the aftermath of war, I vaguely reminisce on my own moments.

This is why I generously offer my services to you due to the fact I owe you for healing me.

Based on last nights outburst we should go somewhere private, come over to the uchiha compound at 8 pm, and we can rendezvous on my couch or bedroom if you'd like? 

my brother will be out and my parents are also out.

Soon to be yours

Sasuke uchiha xox

To: sweet sakura

From: sasuke is bringing sexy back

Come on sakura, stop ignoring me! 

Okay so what if I accidentally ....well more like intentionally ruined your date? I mean its not like you actually like the guy right? 

Well duuhh.. That's impossible isn't it? Its me you like right? Sakura? I mean its always been me right sakura there's no way you could like that loser menma? Right?

Anyway my offer still stands, come to the uchiha compound on at how about 7 pm and we can do anything you'd like. Sounds fun right?


Sex on legs sasue uchiha xoxx

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