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Being  a shinobi, you were often on a mission..... Under the mercy of nature's predicament.

It was one of the few instances where the different teams from konoha were expected to interact with one another.

In order to ready the newly graduated genin, each jounin was tasked to supervise certain activities to enhance teamwork and coordination.

Being the lucky one, you were tasked to be the one to supervise field training. Today seemingly one of the hottest days you've encountered.

"Okay you lot listen up!" You shouted to gain their attention while fanning yourself, few top buttons of your dress shirt undone in an effort to cool yourself.

"Here in the field you will often encounter things or be in a situation you're not prepared for. The objective for today is to enhance your survival skills in an event that any of you were to be separated from your team." You started to explain.

"First off, is getting a fire started." You crouched down to take some of the sticks lying around.

You sit down unceremoniously on the ground and mentioned for the group to move closer to get a better view.

However, as you were trying to explain the task, most were distracted to say the least.

"Hey look sasuke, seems like sakura's very popular~!" you heard naruto spoke from afar.

The said male turns his gaze towards your direction. He could faintly see you from the barricade of cadets.

Naruto seeing his reaction walked towards you, a brilliant plan formulating in her mind.

"Yo, sakura!" Naruto greeted as he approached your group. 

"Watcha doin'?" he asked, the group of genin making way for their superior.

You looked up to see naruto squatting to your level, sasuke nearing you as well.

"Baking myself of to death..." You muttered sarcastically in which she laughed to. 

The genin keeping their silence, watching their superiors interact.

sasuke stopped in front of you, taking in Her appearance. Hair tied-up but slightly dishevelled, face red and flushed, sweat framing your face, clothes considerably clinging to her skin.

Being under his calculating gaze made her a bit more uncomfortable than she already was.

"If you're both done with the greetings, I'd like to return to teaching these newbies a thing or two in surviving in the wild." Mentioning towards the young genin frozen in their spots.

You missed the look sasuke held as he continue to analyse your appearance, the sweat from your neck started to drop down the centre of the undone buttons of your shirt giving a teasing look of what lies underneath.

"Genin!" sasuke started, not removing his gaze from you. You gave him a questioning look while naruto, whose existence is being forgotten at the moment, had a teasing smirk on his face.

"Show me a fire without the help of a jutsu!" He ordered. The young ones started to scramble to pick up some sticks and start a fire as told.

A good fifteen minutes had pass, but no one has yet accomplished the task at hand.

"Sasuke, what do you think you're doing!?" You protested.

"If they can't do it that means you're not suited to teach them" he said nonchalantly.

"You mean to say I can't teach!?" You answered back.

"No. You're distracting most of them for them to actually learn something" he said with arms crossed.

"What are you--"

But you were cut short as the uchiha heaved your figure over his shoulders earning shock expressions from the cadets and a giggle from naruto..... 

Yup a giggle.

"Sasuke, put me down!" You ordered as you kick and punch him to free yourself.

"Seeing as none of you have grasp the concept of this task, Naruto will take over and supervise you brats" he stated and started to walk off, you in tow, leaving the genin dumbfounded.

"Hey! How come I have to do the work!?"the uzumaki called out.

He made his way down a few hallways, earning some suspicious looks thrown in your direction as you both pass.

You tried to struggle but to no avail. Sasuke wasn't an uchiha for nothing after all.

He opened the door to his room and walked inside.

"Sasuke, I said PUT. ME. DOWN.!" you continue to retaliate.

He clicked his tongue and sighed. He closed the door lock and threw you hastily on the bed.

"Sasuke--" you started but you felt your throat dry out as you feel the bed dip from the other's weight.

Sasuke s gaze was firmly locked into yours, lust clearly evident in his eyes. You gulped.

Let's just say that it was the hottest day you've ever encountered. And you had to file in sick the following day because your voice was very hoarse and you can't get out of bed

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