How could you...

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"how could you, sasuke?"Sakura whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks.

 "Karin came back, she just arrived broken and in tears I had to help her and I kinda lost it and one thing led to another." He explained, tears also came out of his eyes. He came forward to hold her but instead of melting at his touch as she usually did, she felt nothing but coldness and flinched away.

"Don't touch me." She growled.

"sakura don't do this." He begged, his hands shaking.

"Please, get away from me!" She mumbled, backing into the wall and she fell down, as tortured sobs left her mouth. Every sound she made hurt sasuke beyond belief. 

His heartbreak took over and he punched the wall, creating a massive hole and splitting his knuckles.

"Please don't do this," He asked again, his voice only a whisper, "I need you." he hit the wall again. His hand was bruised and bleeding, but his only pain was over what he had done, why had he been so stupid?

Sakura was still shaking, sasukes words repeating themselves through her mind, 'I slept with karin.'
Even after all that had happened and he still went back to her. The nights of comforting him after they broke up, the nightmares he would have, she was there for all of it. 

They developed feelings for each other and spent nights together laughing, sat under the stars, sharing those cliché movie moments together and he just threw it away for her?

Sasuke came closer to sakura, reaching out to try to hold her , but she pushed him away.

"Get away!!" She screamed moving away from him.

"sak-" he started, but before he could do anything, sakura began to scream.

"naruto!!" And he came running in, a worried look on his face as he crossed the room .

"Listen sasuke, get away from her." Naruto warned as he picked sakura up carefully. Kakashi came to the door and took sakura as naruto looked at sasuke as if he was going to kill him. 

"Calm down sakura." Kakashi cooed as he rubbed her back and she continued sobbing into his shirt.

"He-he.. he," she stumbled for words, not able to get her words out.

"Shh, come, let's get you to bed." Naruto said, leading her to her room.

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