The Unknown Spell (42)

Start from the beginning

Without a second's delay, Tomoe immediately yelled at Dahlia, "GET THAT BOOK OUT OF YOUR HANDS!" She looked him dead in the eyes and showed him the spine of the book that read her name. Dahlia was the true owner of the book.

Dahlia's hands left the book floating in the air and it opened itself and started flipping through pages without Dahlia even moving her hand. When the book finally stopped turning the pages, she smiled and said, "The blood crest is a defensive spell available to only blood bonded pairs. It utilizes the shard power in their blood to form a protective crest that allows no one to pass the threshold of. Due to the unique abilities of such a spell, it is neither a protection spell or forcefield spell. It is simply a blood bond spell." The book closed but stayed floating in the air close to Dahlia.

"So, their blood bond opens a whole new genre of spells which is only unique to them? Absolutely fascinating!" Her Majesty shouted, and it was then that I understood what her husband King Sebastian, the Familiar, meant by she was nerd. She was a spell nerd.

"Yes, which also means that there must be other undiscovered spells that only the two of them can perform." Kou stated.

"I wonder what the spells will do." I said with genuine curiosity.

Dahlia stood next to me and said, "But it seems as though our true blood bond is only activated in times of need. Perhaps it is because our blood bond was formed with the intention to survive or perhaps that is just the way that a blood bond works. Either way, I do not believe we will be seeing the next spell soon."

We all stood there, with the exception of Santino who was completely clueless in the corner due to his earplugs, in silence trying to piece the pieces together until we were interrupted by the Vetiti book. It made its way in front of Dahlia and flipped the pages. When it finally stopped, a voice from the beyond stated, "A Dawn of Light may only be brought about when the Sword and the Shield unite on the diminution of the Sun. Squired with the Broken, the Longing, the Ancillary, and the Cretinous will they succeed. Disjointed, they will fall into a night of darkness at the feet of the Clandestine." The book closed and disappeared after the prophecy was said.

I turned to Tomoe and Kou were staring at each other with furrowed brows. Once again, it looked like they were communicating but when they finished, their attention turned to me which I did not like one bit.

"With the new information at hand, we cannot allow you to stay the way you have been living around here. It is clear that this Clandestine wants you dead and we simply cannot wait for something else to happen to take the necessary measures." Tomoe's usually joyful face around me turned stoic and Kou's turned stone cold.

"We do not know who this Clandestine is, so we must act as if he or she is anyone around you. With that in mind, you will no longer be allowed to visit Tyrus and Kalen's dorm afterschool. You are also no longer to go to Silas's dorm. You are also not allowed to bring them to your dorm and those rules go for you too, Dahlia. If you so choose to go out with someone other than Dahlia, you must notify us, and Dahlia must go with you."

I looked at Her Majesty for help with the two but she didn't budge. She simply stood tall between the two.

"But Kalen is my mate. Silas is cousins with Dahlia so if he killed me, she'd be dead too and her brother would be mateless. Silas would never do that because he would feel the loss of Dahlia's life almost as much as his brother because they are twins. And on top of that Tyrus is mated to Silas so if he killed me the same cycle would happen. You can't do this! My friends are innocent!" I cried out to them, but the three of them didn't budge one bit.

"Aqua, we can do this, and we are doing this. You are our student! Do you know what that means to us? We love you like family. We love you as if you were are own daughter, and it is because of that that we are not willing to risk your life to spend some time around those boys. I refuse to attend the funeral of yet another fallen Okeah." Tomoe stated.

"KALEN IS MY MATE! HE CAN'T HURT ME!" I yelled, and a clap of thunder ripped through the air. My eyes immediately went to the window which showed deep gray clouds clumping together, covering the entire sky. Within a few seconds, the true storm started. The rain sounded like bullets against the entire building and lighting was illuminating the sky.

I started walking fastly to the door to which Tomoe and Kou locked it using their magic. "Where do you think you are going, Young Lady!" Kou shouted, the vein on his popped out for all to see.

"Home." I started pulled all of the moisture out of the air around me and used the water to conjure a portal invisible to all except merfolk. I stepped in front of the portal and my body was sucked in particle by particle before transporting me back home.


Now that is one hell of chapter:)

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Do you guys think any new spells are going to come forward? What about the prophecy?  The new rule?

You guys ready to get more insight to the merkingdom?

Not sure when I will next update so keep a lookout!

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