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The storm doesn't end, only rages harder with his fury. The goddess is angry with him, as he is angry with himself.

The house is quiet but for the sound of rain and thunder, the sound of his brides slow sedate heartbeat. The wolves circle the house, a warning alarm for the next round of intruders. It's been three hours, there should be more by now. Mason has healed and itches for another fight, to be doing something useful.

Perhaps all the remains is the betrothed? Perhaps he has killed the last of the warriors that wage his war for him?

Mason has a debt to repay, this time when faced with the slimy asshole Mason will not lose. Not this close to the full moon.... two days, he has two days to kill the fucker and protect his mate before the goddess takes her. Two days and he can wake her up.

Mason takes a bowl of warm water and a cloth, he takes her hairbrush and sits beside her bed to care for his beauty.

He does so in silence, not daring to speak her name.

Blake doesn't move, doesn't acknowledge his presence..... can she feel him?
Sometimes, while she dreams her mouth lifts into a smile. Morbid curiosity wonders what she has to smile about?

This poor woman has nothing. No family, no friends... no lover. Just fear and pain, unending pain.
Mason hopes, in this induced sleep she finds peace, that her pain is no more, that he has eased it somewhat. He is the source of it all after all.

Gently he brushes out her long hair, he removes the tangles and brings back a shine to the length. With care he washes her face, he trails the cloth down her neck and across her collarbone. He takes the path his lips have made so many times, he would give anything for one more kiss.

Slowly and holding his breath he presses his lips to hers, without a sound he kisses her with the love he feels. Blake doesn't move, doesn't respond. With a shuddering sigh and a broken heart he leaves her to her sleep.

Two more days.

Mason slams down a shot of whiskey, he can't take anymore. A howl on the edge of his property signals another battle approaches and with a growl of his own Mason takes a long blade from the wall.

Goddess let it be the one who wants her, let him end this now.

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