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As if to prove him wrong, Blake loses all sense of reality.

Her bedroom disappears inside the span of her blinking and darkness takes hold, nothing but darkness in every direction, silence so loud it hurts her ears.

Nothing, there is nothing.

"Mason?!" Blake calls out not knowing if she makes a sound, she hears not even her own thoughts. "Oh goddess please? Where am I? I can't see?"

The silence continues and if Blake thought an answer might come she was wrong.

"Mason? I can't hear.... it's inside my head.... he's taken you from me. Don't leave me.... don't leave me.... don't leave me" she whimpers softly.

Tears and tremors take hold, Blake closes her eyes but nothing changes, darkness consumes her.

Her hands grasp for something to hold, not knowing if she stands or sits, if she falls or kneels is disorienting and nothing can find purchase. Nothing is all she knows.

Fear so strong it threatens her heart, too fast it beats and Blake feels the pain of it in her chest. She feels the pressure.

She feels like Mason's hand still holds it in her chest, she feels the heat of his flesh, it warms her the size of his palm. Is it real? Is he holding her heart?

"Please..... Mason" Blake whispers. "I need you"

Warmth skims over her cheek, if she could remember touch she'd think a thumb caresses her face, she'd believe a tingle on her lip was a kiss.

"Are you there? Do you hear me? Don't let him take me, I don't know where I am, I don't feel.... but I think I feel you, I hope it's you. Just hold onto me, don't let me move"

Blake squeezes her eyes shut tight, the monster has taken everything but her trust. She trusts Mason to keep her safe and the last thing she knew was holding him in her bedroom. Her only choice is to believe she still does, that this void is all in her mind.

"My queen, come to me. We are running out of time" a voice startles her from her untimed nothingness, it echoes around her skull.

"Mason?" Blake asks but her voice sounds funny, not like hers and Mason's not like his.

"My queen, quickly now. Run for me" he orders and Blake tries to move, she can't feel her legs, she can't feel anything.

"I can't, I can't move"
"You must run, now!"
"I'm trying, Mason I can't move. I can't see" She begs.

Suddenly Blake is standing alone in the forest, mist makes her feet impossible to see and fog surrounds her on all sides. Green moss covers the old tall trees and the smell makes her breathe a deep breath, this feels like home, this feels like everything she's ever known.

"Follow the butterflies my queen, they will take you to me" the voice snakes around her mind like smoke rising from the fire.
"I don't see butterflies, I see trees, only trees.... and the moon" Blake licks her lips looking directly up at the full moon.
"Then look lower, the moon has nothing for you"
"Mason, I can't.... please just come to me, I'm scared" she hugs herself thankful for the arms to do so, she's so cold.

"Find me, my queen" he orders once more.

Blake nods, she looks around through the mist. Three butterflies of orange and yellow flutter between two thick trees, allowing a space the width of a door. Blake tries to move but vines hold her tight to the ground, they hold her by the ankles and wrap tightly to her arms, they pin her painfully.

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