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*Pibs left the story: the Undertale adventures*

*processing entering...*

*Pibs entered #Rr0R FILE*

A cold breeze went through my body and caused some brief trembles. My sight was a little dizzy and I had to wink a few times, before seeing clear again.

My head moved around, trying to understand what just happened, but without success.

"Ah... You finally did it."

A deep voice sounded through the never-ending darkness, making me twitch and I moved a few inches back.

The white words floated meaningless in my head, I couldn't understand anything that happened here. The words disappeared as fast as they came and some new ones showed up.

I felt my heart beating faster, while noticing that someone or... something approached me. Then, I felt something touching my shoulder briefly.

With a loud scream, I dodged, when I felt something brush soft over my skin, but there was nothing I could see.

"My... my... It's fun to tease you." And again, a deep voice cut the silence, letting the nervousness of me grow endless.

"W-who the fuck are you?!"

But nobody answered.

Slowly, I noticed that this 'words' wasn't mine. They seemed to describe my situations, my feelings and thoughts, but they weren't really mine. Immediately, some other words appeared in my mind, but I refused to give them attention.

Ignoring the continuing words, I stood up and tried to find something in the dark. When I stretched out my hands, expecting to feel some walls, I just grabbed into nothing. With a slight feeling, I was wondering, if I really had my eyes opened, until a bright light behind me started to shine.

"Not so fast, Pibs. We're not just here for fun~" As I turned around, my eyes met a floating creature surrounded in a bright white light. I couldn't recognize anyone, but I was sure to know it.

"Who. Are. You?!" This time I was a little bit more intense with my question and stepped forward without hesitation. But the creature stopped me by lifting up an arm, pointing lowering in the direction of me.

"Oh. Come on, you know me, Pibs. We're old friends. Big buddies. Old pals. What else do you called me...? Oh, right~ Creator."

"Creat-or? No, I never called anyone like that!"

"Ha-ha... Right... I 'forgot', I deleted your memories. Pf... I'm such a fool. But that's not the point of this here. I just wanted to delete your memories again." With these words, the creature let appear a transparent keypad and wanted to touch some buttons on it. But I could stop it of his doing by yelling out his name.

"CREATOR! WAIT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THIS?!" A short time, the creature hesitated, but then the keypad disappeared in the dark and it landed on its feet. With incredibly fast steps, the creature approached me and stopped one inch before our bodies would've possibly touched. Overwhelmed and scared, I couldn't speak or move, just watched into the empty face.

It was a blank face.

Just white.

No eyes.

No nose.

Just a big fat grin.

The rest of his body was blank too. Just a white shirt, white pants, white... feet or whatever. His hair was short and white, no light could cause any shadow anywhere on it, it looked so paranormal.

"I can talk a little while I guess. What do I mean with 'deleting your memories'? Deleting your memories, I think. The feelings you gathered for Ink and Error. The son of (Y/N) and Sans. Your friendship with Fresh... Everything."

"w-what... why would... you? H-how?"

"Oh, because your nothing, but my vessel. My window, through which I can interact with the others... but let us begin from the very beginning!" The creature created two comforting armchairs, without any textures and pushed me into one. It sat in the other one, getting comfy and looking for some good words to start.

"So... All started, when I discovered the 'magic keypad'!" It showed the floating keypad and had a sarcastic grin on its face, then with another gesture, the keypad disappeared again, "Just kidding. It began, when I found out, that people wrote fanfiction, to help other people participate in a certain world. In short time, I wanted to do this too, but my purpose was a little more... egoistic. I was the one, who wanted to participate the worlds, so, I wrote stories, put me in, but... When you upload such stuff, you're inserting the initials 'Y/n', because the reader wants to personalize with the figure in your story."

"Upload? Like on Wattpad? And some other people can read this?"

"Yup. Yup and yup. When you think about (Y/N)'s name? Can you tell me her name?"

"Yes, of course! It's @#!1! Wait what? It's... *Error*"

"See, there is not one name of her/them, they keep changing... Do you know, why you and Error broke up? Do you know, when you first started to love Ink? What you both rowed about, the whole time?" The thing glanced satisfied at me and in my head, something felt like missing, that I never missed before. I couldn't remember why I broke up with Error, just that we rowed much. And I felt like Ink and me had been together since the very beginning of... of... my life?

"Anyhow! I said, I put me in, but... Actually, I just wrote some characters, that should be me... Slightly, I became bored and started to put in some Easter eggs. Like you. You're always in a story, no matter which one! You were the shop assistant in Mystic Messenger, the youtuber name in... well... doesn't matter! But when I started to write 'Undertale adventures'... GYAH!"

With an exaggerating and loud scream, the creature lolled in the armchair, it was obviously amused by his own memories.

"I first wanted you to be with Sans, but... After I went deeper in all this Undertale stuff... I wasn't into Sans anymore, but in Ink. That's why you're the girlfriend of Ink recently, not of Sans. But you ruined my last chapter a little... You and Ink were supposed to get back together, but you. You just got fucking feelings for Red? Like... what the fuck?! I'm the writer, you can't just... Oh YES! Your free will, screw it!"

"My what?"

"Hold on. We're gonna discuss this in the next part."

"The next part...?" 

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