Chapter 24

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I'm going to try and get updates out a bit quicker now because I'm excited about posting my next book which I'm quite proud of. I won't post it until I'm done with this and Love, Loss and Everything in Between so yeah... look forward to that.

More sexual themes  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they're teenagers what do you expect

When I dragged Keith into my house, we were greeted by Veronica. She called us into the living room where she was doing a jigsaw puzzle. She hadn't even finished the edges so there was no way I could even guess what it was meant to be. Luis was asleep upstairs so I knew he wasn't about to bother me and Keith which was always good. I introduced Keith to my little sister and Veronica grinned at him, showing off her teeth... or lack of teeth. She had recently lost her front molars and it was adorable.

Keith wasn't good with children and I could tell as soon as he awkwardly waved at the girl. He uncomfortably sat on the sofa and I had to hold back a laugh at how stiff he was. "Are you Lance's boyfriend?" Veronica asked but it came out more as 'boyfwiend' because of her teeth.

Chuckling softly, he responded, "I am indeed."

"Can you help me with my puzzle, Keith?" She actually said 'Kweith' but we were still able to deduct what she was saying. Keith awkwardly stood up and sat down beside Veronica, glancing at the puzzle pieces that were sat in the box. "Can you find the edges?"

"Sure..." Keith started to sift through the pieces whilst I watched with a tiny smile on my face. Keith's movements were so stiff as he pulled out an edge piece and dropped it in front of Veronica.


"Have you come round before? I recognise you." My dad instantaneously questioned as we sat around the dinner table. We never really had family dinners because there were so many of us so it was just Keith, my dad, my mum and I at the table. I seemed more uncomfortable than Keith because I was finding it impossible to sit still. I kept shifting in my seat and drumming stupid tunes on the top of the table. Because my parents were opposite us, Keith managed to sneak a hand onto my thigh without them noticing.

"Yeah. I've been here once or twice." He responded, flashing his stunning smile. How my parents weren't charmed right away I did not know. If I were them, I'd have melted into a puddle on the floor as soon as I saw his teeth.

"Why are you putting these false ideas into Lance's head? He has been through enough as it is. He doesn't need you... poisoning him too." My dad was practically spitting the words out as if they were venom that was going to kill him if he didn't get it out of his system quickly. I resisted a glare.

Keith looked taken aback for about a millisecond- maybe even less than that- before he composed himself. "No, I believe Lance figured out his sexuality before I came into his life." I nodded to confirm his point. My dad didn't look at all convinced and my mum's hands were trembling violently around her cutlery.

"We're meant to believe that? He didn't mention it all and then you came along and suddenly he's gay."

"Bisexual actually." I chipped in with a voice so shaky that the words were barely audible. My dad made a sharp 'tut' noise and I think something finally snapped inside Keith. His eyebrows furrowed and he got up onto his feet. He had dropped his cutlery and they made a loud clang noise against his plate. I winced and felt my face go bright red as I buried my head into my hands. As much as I loved Keith, I was petrified that he was about to make everything much worse.

"Keith..." I muttered, grabbing his arm to pull him back into his seat. He jolted his wrist back until my grip faltered.

"I was there for him when he was feeling low. You are his parents. You should be there for him and you shouldn't be putting him down constantly like you do! He's seventeen and he's old enough to make his own decisions. If he says he's bi, he's bi, alright? You can't change that so how about you grow up for five seconds and realise your son is still your son. Even if he has ADHD and is bisexual, he's still your son. Literally nothing is going to change." I didn't dare look up from my hands because picturing my dad's enraged face. I was almost certain he was going to murder either me or Keith after the conversation ended. "Stop being selfish and think about Lance. Everything you've said and done is tearing him apart. He punched a wall because of you. He knows who he is more than you do so just... let him be who he wants to be!" Keith sunk back down into his chair, breathing so heavily that I could see his chest rapidly rise and fall. I finally stole a glance at my parents to see they were staring at Keith in complete and utter shock.

I Just Want To Be Someone. Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now