Chapter 21

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I have finished my exams! I'm done with sixth form and that's so crazy... but yeah, that's done. I have some good news though! First of all, regular updates should return. Second, I wrote a stupid texting fic as a coping mechanism for exam stress. It isn't that serious and its main purpose is to make people laugh. So look forward to that when I've finished posting this and Love, Loss and Everything in Between!

I was about to leave for school when my mum and dad called me back. I turned to face them with raised eyebrows to tell them to hurry up with whatever they had to say. "We talked about what you said yesterday and we decided that you need... you need to be punished, Lance."

"Are you actually being serious right now?" I wasn't angry. I was just surprised.

My mum held out her hand, a stern expression on her face. "Give me your phone, please."

"Hell no!" It came out much louder than I had anticipated but I didn't care. My phone was sat in the back pocket of my jeans and it was going to stay there.

"Lance. This is for the best. You'll soon come to realise that this is just a phase and this boy you're talking to has poisoned your mind."

"You don't know shit about what's best for me! Keith makes me happy and I hope you know taking my phone away won't stop me from seeing him." Remembering Luis was upstairs, I toned down my yelling ever so slightly. I didn't want to upset him on top of everything else.

"You're going to come straight home from school every day too. No going out. Not even on weekends anymore."

"So you're taking away my freedom?" I was still in the phase of shock, yet to fully register the punishment and become angry.

"No, we're looking out for you. In the future, you will thank us."

"I hate both of you. I wish I had different parents."

I turned to storm out but my dad grabbed my arm and spoke up again. His grip on my wrist was harsh and my head snapped around to face him. "Phone."

I glared at them but reluctantly handed my phone over. "Fuck you." I muttered before properly storming out and stomping my feet on the way like some toddler amidst a tantrum. The anger finally kicked in and I had a strong urge to punch something.


As soon as I saw Keith, I grabbed his arm (admittedly I was a bit too rough) and dragged him into the toilets. Thankfully they were empty so I could just break down in front of him. He was speechless as I just gripped his shirt and cried into his shoulder. It took him a long moment but he did, eventually, wrap his arms around me and start to rub my back.

"What happened?" He mumbled once I had calmed down a little.

"They don't want me to see you. They took away my phone and- and said I'm not allowed out anymore. They think you put it in my head that I wasn't straight and this is all a phase." I was sobbing so the sentences were broken up and took much longer than needed to come out but Keith was patient. He listened to each and every one of my words and continued to hold onto me.

"That's stupid but they won't stop me from seeing you."

"I know... but- but I'm so angry! How could they do this if they loved me?"

"I don't know, Sharpshooter. I really don't."

"I need to punch something." My hands were clenched into fists at my sides and I was breathing heavily, only seeing the colour red.

"Don't." Keith simply whispered but it didn't stop me from sending my fist flying into the bathroom wall. A satisfying crack filled the room and pain flooded into my arms. It felt good, even if my hand felt like it was on fire. "Shit, Lance... You need to go to the nurse."

I glanced at my messed up hand and just nodded, mumbling a tiny, "O-Okay." The fury had fizzled away for the most part as soon as I managed to punch something.


Keith dragged me to the nurse whilst I just numbly stared ahead. When we got there, someone was sitting outside her office with a cardboard sick bowl. Keith raised his hand to knock because the hand I usually used to knock was in a lot of pain. The nurse opened the door with a small smile, asking how she could possibly help us.

I stayed silent so Keith took it upon himself to answer. "Lance hurt his hand. He punched the wall in the bathroom." He muttered and the nurse looked mildly shocked.

"Why would you do that? Your fist is no match for a brick wall." I shrugged and the nurse ushered me to a seat. Once we were both sat down, she started to examine my hand. "Can you bend your fingers for me?" As much as I tried, I could not. With each attempt, the pain got all the more intense. After a few minutes and a few more questions, she came to a conclusion. "You need to go to the hospital. I think it's broken or at least sprained."


My dad was not happy that I had interrupted his work. He didn't say a word as he directed me to the car and set off for the hospital. I kept my gaze fixed on my lap as he angrily stared ahead with a grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white. When we arrived, he continued with his silence until we were at the reception desk. He mumbled whatever the school had told him and we sat down in the waiting room.

Everyone knows how long waits can be in hospitals so I didn't expect to be called in after five minutes. "Dad..?" I decided to start after about half an hour of awkward waiting but all it did was earn me a harsh glare. "Dad, please talk to me."

"You want me to talk to you? Fine. I'm so disappointed in you, Lance. You just- You just keep doing these stupid things so you get attention and it's ridiculous. Why would you punch a wall if it wasn't to get someone to notice you?" His voice was hushed because we were in public but each word still felt like a knife through my chest.

"I did it because I was angry. You and mum took away my phone and I just don't understand why."

"Because we've had enough. You need to stop with all this."

"Why though? It isn't hurting any-"

"Lance?" A tall male nurse called so I wasn't able to finish what I was saying. I slumped my shoulders as I followed my dad into the small, box-sized room.


"I broke my hand," Lance started, lifting up the arm with its cast on for Keith to look at. The other boy stared at it for a moment, eyebrows furrowed in sorrow. "My dad barely said anything the entire trip to the hospital and it was so awkward. I got a cool cast though." Lance grinned but it seemed more forced than anything.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop you from punching the wall..." Keith murmured, diverting his gaze down to their feet.

"It's not your fault, is it? You couldn't have done anything."

"I should have... been there. I should have calmed you down, Lance."

"It's fine, Keith, honestly. Don't beat yourself up over something that's my parents' fault."

Keith smiled ever so softly, reaching his arms out to wrap around Lance. He pulled him closer, allowing Lance to bury his head in Keith's chest. He breathed in the other's boy's scent, closing his eyes and allowing himself to calm down.

I Just Want To Be Someone. Klance AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن