Chapter 5

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"Your teacher thinks you have what now?" My dad seemed so much taller in that moment. He was staring down at me whilst I was staring up through the widest, most terrified eyes any human could ever have. Unless my dad had grown ten centimetres overnight, it was all my imagination, playing on my fears. My mum was still at work so it was just me and him.

"ADHD. Do you know what that is?" My words came out like pathetic squeaks. I planned on standing my ground and giving my parents as much information as possible but it was much harder when you were on the spot.

"Of course I do. It's for those kids who are annoying and disrupt everyone all the time. I should have known you would have it." I bit my bottom lip, turning away so I wouldn't have to see the angry scowl on his face. Tears were welling up in my eyes but I just kept blinking them away. If my dad saw me cry, it would not help my case; if anything, it would make it much worse. He'd start calling me a 'wimp' and telling me to 'man up' and I couldn't take that. "You were always the most useless of all our kids."

"Dad?" Both my dad and I turned to the doorway where two of my sisters were standing. Louisa had her arm around Veronica, the youngest out of all of us, and they were watching our dad closely. Louisa looked slightly concerned but quickly covered it up with a large smile. "What's for dinner?"

"I don't know, honey. Can't you see Lance and I are having a private conversation?" My dad's voice had gotten so much calmer and it sent a weird shiver up my spine. Louisa nodded and took Veronica's tiny hand into her own. Louisa glanced at me as if to ask if I was okay but I just shot her a forced grin.

"But I'm hungry!" Veronica whined loudly before putting on her best 'puppy dog eyes'. She was the champion of 'puppy dog eyes'. She widened her eyes substantially and pouted whilst they glistened in the light.

"Fine. But Lance?" I nodded but refused to meet his gaze. "We'll continue this conversation later when your mother gets home." I gulped. I did not want my mum to ever come home.


Sharpshooter01: "People with ADHD are annoying"

Sharpshooter01: "I should have know you'd have it"

Sharpshooter01: "You were always the most useless"

RedLion2000: Ouch... what an idiot

Sharpshooter01: My dad totally would have said more if my sisters hadn't interrupted us

RedLion2000: What about your mum?

Sharpshooter01: She isn't home yet. She works late.

Sharpshooter01: Maybe if I yeet myself out of my bedroom window before she gets here I can avoid being screamed at whilst all my siblings are within hearing range

RedLion2000: That doesn't sound like a good idea

Sharpshooter01: Why?

RedLion2000: Because you'll get hurt

Sharpshooter01: That's kind of the point, Red

RedLion2000: :/

Sharpshooter01: Shit. I just heard my mum walk in the door

Sharpshooter01: I need to go sorry

RedLion2000: Stay safe for me, okay Sharpshooter?


I don't know what's worse. Arguing that features full on screaming or arguing that consists of hushed whispers because your siblings are just upstairs. Veronica and Luis had been put to bed and Louisa and Marco were probably playing video games or reading a book or something. I really didn't want them to hear our parents tearing me to shreds with horrible words.

I Just Want To Be Someone. Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now