Chapter 22

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I'm going to say this now- I don't like this book. I'm reading this back and I'm disappointed. I have written much better things in the past. I hope you enjoy this book anyway :P

The next day I was distant at school. I didn't really talk to anybody but I clung to Keith for the duration of lunch. I basically sat on his lap with my good arm around him as if I was a koala clinging to a tree. I was actually taller than him so it was an awkward position but he didn't seem to mind. No one commented on it, probably noticing that something was bothering me or they decided it wasn't worth another argument. They had asked me about my hand when we met up and I just snapped at them to mind their own business. I know I was harsh but I was still infuriated with my parents.

I let them do all the talking which was an extremely rare occurrence. Usually I was the one rambling on and on about random things nobody cared about but, today, I was just silent. I stared off into space and vaguely listened to what everyone else had to say.

Someone started to speak but I obviously wasn't paying much attention so Keith jabbed my side. I jumped a little and the person who had been speaking, Pidge, started over. "I know you two have noticed it too but, Lance, what's bothering you? I'm actually worried. I've never seen you this quiet before and I don't understand why you snapped at us when we asked about your arm. What happened to you?"

"Nothing happened and nothing's wrong." I murmured but Pidge sent me a 'don't give me that shit' look. They were the master of it so I could recognise it instantaneously. "Okay so I came out to my parents."

Keith's hand rubbed my side. "I'm assuming it didn't go well?" Hunk questioned and I let out a short sigh, deciding it was too obvious to avoid.

"They don't want me to see Keith anymore," I let out a harsh, dry chuckle. "They took away my phone and won't let me go out. I was so angry with them that I decided to take on the bathroom wall. I lost the fight and broke my hand."

"That's bullshit. I totally understand why you punched the wall." Pidge muttered, shaking their head in disbelief.

"I know but I can't do anything about it."

"We're always here for you, alright?" I nodded slowly because I knew that. I just didn't know how I was supposed to get in touch with them when I didn't have a phone and I was practically being held captive in my own home.


I stopped talking to my parents completely. All they got were nods or shakes of my head. No words. If my siblings noticed, they didn't say anything. After dinner, I went straight upstairs to avoid any attempts of conversation and just paced around. I was just walking up and down the room with my mind racing so fast that I was running out of breath. I felt like I was going to puke, sob or scream. Maybe at the same time. I threaded my hands into my hair and pulled harshly at it, gritting my teeth as I did so.

All I wanted was to talk to Keith.

I couldn't take it anymore. My parents clearly didn't love me if they were treating me like I wasn't any better than the dirt on their shoes. I was crying heavily, tears covering my cheeks as I inhaled and exhaled deeply. I needed to transfer my emotions onto something but I couldn't. I couldn't even vent to my friends.

"Come on," I murmured over and over again, trying to convince myself that I could get through this on my own. I knew my siblings were just down the hall so I had to be quiet. I had to take a deep breath and stop crying. "It's going to be okay..." Deep down, I did know that it would be okay but that didn't stop the excessive panic on the surface.

I collapsed onto my bed and decided I was going to get my phone back tomorrow morning- even if it killed me.


I glanced at the door to ensure I was alone before pulling open all of my parents' draws. The phone wasn't anywhere to be seen. I got down onto my hands and knees and opened up the draws beneath their bed to find my phone sitting on top of an old photo album. I smiled, grabbing it, pushing the draw closed with my foot and heading back to my room. I plugged it into the charger and scrolled through the messages waiting for me. Keith had spammed me last night (coincidentally around the time I had my breakdown) and the messages brought a blush to my cheeks.

RedLion2000: I miss you and I know you won't see this for a while but there's something I need to tell you

RedLion2000: I love you, Lance

RedLion2000: You may think I'm wimping out by saying it first over text but text is important to us, isn't it?

RedLion2000: Our friendship started over message

RedLion2000: So yeah, I love you

RedLion2000: Also I'd never say it in person because I'm too stubborn but I'm going to miss you like crazy after school

RedLion2000: I miss you now and I just saw you a few hours ago

RedLion2000: I should probably shut up now haha

RedLion2000: Bye Sharpshooter :)

He was so damn cute. I hugged my phone for one moment before getting up and shoving my phone into my bag before my parents could see it.


"You seem to be in a better mood today." Keith mumbled into my ear. I was sat on his lap again but it was because I wanted to rather than needed to. He was warm and his arms wrapped around me made me feel safe. I smiled gently as he placed a light kiss just below my ear.

"I love you too." I chose to reply and his face tinted red almost immediately. I grinned because I had just made Keith blush!

"You... saw that?"

"Yep. I stole my phone back this morning."

"Ah, that explains the better mood." Keith kissed me again- this time lower on my neck. I leant closer to him as a discreet invite to do it again.

Pidge started to make puking noises so both Keith and I turned to glare at them. Hunk was in hysterics, hitting his hand against the table whilst Pidge chuckled in between their fake gags. "You two are the most disgusting couple on the planet."

"Aw thanks bestie." I muttered, sticking my tongue out at them. They continued to laugh and, if you leaned over the table, you could see a minute tear dripping down their cheek.

I Just Want To Be Someone. Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now