Chapter 9

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I updated the wrong thing yesterday because I thought it was Tuesday so whoops, updating this now instead :p

Sharpshooter01: Tell me about yourself

RedLion2000: It's midnight. Go to bed you dingus

Sharpshooter01: You go to bed too then

RedLion2000: No

Sharpshooter01: Then I won't be going to sleep either :P

Sharpshooter01: I couldn't sleep anyway... hence why I messaged you. I was just laying in my friend's bed thinking way too much

RedLion2000: :(

RedLion2000: What do you want to know then?

Sharpshooter01: I don't know... just anything

RedLion2000: How about we take turns asking each other questions

Sharpshooter01: Sounds boring but okay

RedLion2000: What's your favourite colour?

Sharpshooter01: What a generic question. Mine's blue. What's yours?

RedLion2000: Red

Sharpshooter01: Your name's suiting then haha. How old are you?

RedLion2000: I'm 12

Sharpshooter01: 0_o

RedLion2000: I'm joking I'm actually 17

Sharpshooter01: Same!

RedLion2000: Is Lance your real name?

Sharpshooter01: ...Yeah? Why? Is Red not your real name?

RedLion2000: Nope. My real name is Keith

Sharpshooter01: I'm shook

Sharpshooter01: What country do you live in?

RedLion2000: England, you?

Sharpshooter01: No way, same! Whereabouts?

RedLion2000: Kind of near London

Sharpshooter01: SAME OMG



RedLion2000: You know the odds of that is like one in a million

Sharpshooter01: A guy can dream

RedLion2000: What's the name of your school then? I might know it

Sharpshooter01: What if you stalk me?

RedLion2000: Ugh I need to go. Someone just came into my room and told me to go to bed wow

Sharpshooter01: Okay

Sharpshooter01: I'm going to tell you my school anyway just because you already know I'm suicidal and you're Red I don't think you can do much harm (Note: Please don't tell people online the name of your school! It's very dangerous, especially if you haven't called or video chatted with them so cannot confirm they are who they say you are! If you want to meet up with them, be safe about it! Do it in a public place and don't go on your own!)

Sharpshooter01: *Keith

I typed out the name of my school and sent it, wondering if I'd find myself regretting it later. I couldn't see any outcome that wasn't desirable even in a small way. If he ended up being a serial killer and murdered me, that would just be a bonus. I wanted to be dead anyway so whatever happened, it was a win, right?

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