Chapter 11

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Sharpshooter01: Damn Red. I didn't expect you to be so cute.

RedLion2000: Hahahahaha no

Sharpshooter01: You are so cute though! You have a mullet! Who has a mullet these days?

RedLion2000: I don't have a mullet

Sharpshooter01: You so do

RedLion2000: -.-

RedLion2000: Anyways. You're kind of cute too

Sharpshooter01: Thanks :)

RedLion2000: I'm really sorry for what I said and did and stuff. I was a bit of an idiot and I jumped to conclusions. I hope you can forgive me

Sharpshooter01: Of course I can forgive you

Sharpshooter01: You're Red. What would I do without you and your advice :P

RedLion2000: Haha. You really don't deserve all the stuff you've had to go through

Sharpshooter01: Shit happens

Sharpshooter01: I'm glad I met you though

RedLion2000: Me too

Sharpshooter01: Can I tell you a secret?

Sharpshooter01: Or two?

RedLion2000: Anything

Sharpshooter01: 1. I imagined you looking completely different to how you actually look

RedLion2000: Oh.

Sharpshooter01: But I'm glad. You're cuter than I imagined and a tad bit more emo.

RedLion2000: So how'd you imagine me to look?

Sharpshooter01: I imagined brown hair and a long, emo fringe. Flannels and old fashioned clothes. Awkward. Shy.

Sharpshooter01: I definitely got awkward right

RedLion2000: I'm not that awkward!

Sharpshooter01: You kind of are...

Sharpshooter01: But it's cute! I like it

RedLion2000: Move on to the next secret please

Sharpshooter01: Sure thing

Sharpshooter01: 2. You make me want to live

RedLion2000: Really?

Sharpshooter01: Yes. I really don't know what I would do without you.

RedLion2000: Aw... I'm glad I can help because life is worth living. One day you'll make it and be thankful that you survived.

Sharpshooter01: Eh

RedLion2000: Do you think you're going to go home anytime soon? Or are you going to stay with Hunk for longer?

Sharpshooter01: I don't know. Hunk's mum spoke to mine and apparently they want me home. I don't know if I can deal with that though.

Sharpshooter01: But according to Hunk's mum and my parents, my siblings miss me a lot. Veronica won't sleep until I tuck her in and I haven't been around so... I guess she hasn't been sleeping

RedLion2000: Maybe they regret what they said, Lance? Maybe it was an in the moment, blinded my anger thing

Sharpshooter01: I doubt it...

RedLion2000: I have a question and it's kind of personal but I want you to answer honestly

Sharpshooter01: Okay

RedLion2000: Have you had any more suicidal thoughts?

Sharpshooter01: I won't try and jump of a bridge again, Red.

Sharpshooter01: Sorry *Keith

RedLion2000: You can call me Red but that didn't exactly answer my question

Sharpshooter01: I guess I've had the thoughts... I'm kind of just a huge burden for Hunk right now

RedLion2000: I'm here for you. Talk to me when you have those thoughts. I can distract you.

Sharpshooter01: You can't always be around though...

RedLion2000: I can try my best

Sharpshooter01: I need to go because Hunk wants help with baking some cake

RedLion2000: Ooh cool. I want cake.

Sharpshooter01: I'd bring you some if I could :P


I didn't really help Hunk. I sat at his kitchen table whilst he baked the cake. He was blaring out some music (it was pop garbage I didn't recognise) and dancing around whilst I watched and laughed at his stupid moves. I half expected him to dab or something. I sang along to some of the more familiar songs, despite the fact that my voice resembled a cat on its deathbed. Once he placed the cake into the oven and closed the door, he slid into the seat opposite me. "So, Keith or Red... How do you feel about him?" He asked and I could feel a red blush spread across my cheeks. I covered my face with my hands and glanced downwards.

"I haven't known him very long but yeah... he's nice..." I responded and Hunk chuckled. My face continued to heat up just from thinking about my feelings for Keith. I definitely did not want to kiss him or date him. All he was to me was my best friend who just happened to make me feel giddy.

"You totally like him." I totally did like him.

"Shut up! I do not!" The colour of my face did not help my case.

Hunk winked at me but muttered, "Sure..."


"Keith?" Keith turned his head to face me with furrowed eyebrows. I began to fumble into my bag that was full of all sorts of things I didn't need to bring to school but couldn't be bothered to clear out. Eventually I came across a small, transparent box. "The cake?" Keith's face lit up as I unclipped the lid and handed him the cake.

"I didn't think you'd actually get me some!" He picked it out of the box, a wide grin on his face as he did so. It was rainbow coloured with multiple layers including one that was just icing and jam. Keith practically moaned as he took a large bite and chewed. I tried my best not to let my mind wander into places it really shouldn't be.

"I can take it back if you want..." I smirked and Keith shook his head rapidly. Apparently my friend had replaced me for some gay cake. At least I knew I was valued.

"Hell no. This is the best cake I've ever tasted." I can back Keith up on that statement. When I had had a piece when it was fresh out of the oven, it was unlike anything I had ever eaten before. Hunk just had some magic powers or something.

"I know right! Hunk is an amazing chef."

I Just Want To Be Someone. Klance AUWhere stories live. Discover now