Chapter 16

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(I feel obliged to say that I don't know much about the process of getting help for mental health issues because my parents never got me help when I told them I thought I was depressed ¯\_()_/¯ If anything's inaccurate, point it out and I'll fix it!)

Time moved rather slowly until I had my appointment with the psychologist. I was sat in between my parents in a room that was so bright that it almost hurt my eyes. The woman in front of me had her legs crossed and a small notebook on her lap. She was smiling kindly and had way too much eye shadow around her small eyes. Her over-the-top make up matched the room that was excessively bright in terms of the colour scheme (as well as the actual lighting).

The chair I was sat on was bright blue, contrasting the yellow walls and the red chair that she was sitting on. I had been referred to CAMHS which, if you didn't know, stood for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. That explained the childish look of the room and the fact that there was a mat on the floor with some toy trains and a couple of dolls on. The first thing the overly kind woman asked was if I wanted my parents in the room.

I glanced at my mum and dad, knowing deep down what I wanted to answer with. They were looking at me and smiling, as if to say it truly was up to me and they didn't mind. I slowly shook my head and my mum and dad left, probably being taken to the waiting room outside where we had already spent twenty minutes before my appointment.

"Hello, Lance. My name is Mrs Monroe." I didn't respond verbally because she was staring at me with eyes full of pity. She seemed nice enough but pity was something I strongly detested. "Why are you here today?"

I already knew that she knew the answer to her own question because it was in my notes. "My teacher thinks that I might have ADHD and she recommended I see you."

"Okay, well this will all be relatively simple and it won't take too long. I'm just going to ask you some questions and I need to you answer honestly."

I nodded and then the session was in full-swing. It actually passed quickly as it was just me answering questions that were easy to answer. She asked me if I struggled with long projects and if I acted on impulse and other things like that.

When I left, she waved and told me to 'stay strong' in her high-pitched voice. I nodded to her and headed back to the waiting room where my parents were sitting with an ADHD leaflet in their hands. They were trying; I'd give them that.


Sharpshooter01: GUESS WHAT

RedLion2000: What

Sharpshooter01: I had a session with a psychologist today. It went really well! I have a follow up soon so we can talk treatments and shit

RedLion2000: Oooh

Sharpshooter01: And my parents are really trying to understand

Sharpshooter01: I caught them reading a leaflet about ADHD :")

RedLion2000: Aww

Sharpshooter01: So yeah

Sharpshooter01: That's a thing

Sharpshooter01: Ya boi's mentally inept

RedLion2000: That doesn't make you inept

Sharpshooter01: I can't concentrate for more than five minutes. I'd say that makes me mentally inept.

RedLion2000: Shut up

Sharpshooter01: K

RedLion2000: I'm sorry but I need to go

RedLion2000: Shiro needs wingman

Sharpshooter01: Haha good luck. Byeeeee


I Just Want To Be Someone. Klance AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat