Chapter 17

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It's break time at school and I'm sitting alone because I don't have any friends. I thought 'I might as well make myself look busy by updating something' so here we are :)

"Come on in," I said as I stepped to the side to allow Keith into my house. "Welcome to my humble abode."

"It's very... humble." Keith mumbled, glancing around the house. It wasn't humble at all: it was a mess and I knew it. My dad was a bit of a slob and didn't know what it meant to put something away. Because of that, there were a couple of pillows on the floor in the living room, a dressing gown sat in a lump on the sofa and at least four glasses scattered around the room.

"I'm sorry for the mess," He shrugged but I still felt embarrassed. I bet his house was squeaky clean. I headed upstairs and away from the mess with Keith behind me. I opened up my door and we both sat down on my bed. We were so close that I almost forgot how to breathe. In that moment, I noticed more mess than I would usually notice. One of my books was out of its place. My pyjama bottoms weren't folded neatly on my desk. A pen was abandoned on top of a textbook and not in its usual place in the pen pot. "What do you want to do then?" I asked because it already felt awkward and he had hardly been in my house five minutes.

"I don't know. You invited me over."

"Okay. How about..." I glanced around for anything to do. I had a couple of board games under my bed but I hated board games. They took up too much time and I lost interest within minutes. I had an old Wii sat below my television but it had just been collecting dust since Louisa had decided she was too cool to play Just Dance with her big brother. My eyes settled on my Xbox. "Call of Duty?"

"Uh... sure." I reached over and grabbed the pair of remotes sat on my bedside table, handing one over to Keith. The game was already in the console from when I had played it the other day so all I had to do was turn it on.

"Have you played it before?"


Just as we were about to start the game, Luis made an appearance. "Lance!" He called and I rolled my eyes, asking him what was wrong. "I'm hungry."

I let out a loud sigh. "Can't you ask Louisa for something?" I know I sounded irritated but Luis was wasting my precious time with Keith.

"She said I was annoying and to ask you."

"Fine, I'll go get you something." I sent Keith an apologetic look and left him to sit in my room awkwardly whilst I grabbed Luis a snack.

When I returned, Louisa was sat on my bed beside Keith who was as red as a tomato. "Stop torturing my friend, Louisa!" I complained and the girl just let out a soft laugh.

"I'm not torturing him. I was just asking him some questions."

"Get out." Louisa rolled her eyes and then winked before leaving the room again. "Gosh, my family are so annoying. I'm so sorry. What was she saying to you?"

"Nothing..." Keith responded but it was obviously something, considering he was blushing and staring at his lap. I sat down beside him and we were finally able to start the game.

He thrashed me. In my defence, I was distracted by the fact that our thighs were touching. I could literally feel his body radiating heat and it was making me nervous. So my reaction times were off. "I thought you were meant to be Sharpshooter." Keith commented as I died in the game for what felt like the hundredth time.

"I'm distracted!" I yelled without really thinking. He paused, furrowing his eyebrows and turning to look at me. Our eyes met- his confused and clouded and mine dazed- and it just felt like the perfect moment. My head inched forward and maybe I was hallucinating but it seemed like his did too. Then... our lips touched.

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