Chapter 11: Redemption

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The possessed Shockwave begins to walk menacingly towards Megatron. The Lord of the Decepticons raises his cannon at Discord.

"Release Shockwave this instant you Imp!" Megatron demanded.

"Or what? You'll shoot me? Or rather, you'll shoot Shockwave.?" Discord taunted.

"So be it..." Megatron muttered.

He fires a blast at Discord, who dodges, and fires his own shots with Shockwave's arm cannon at Megatron.

Megatron jumps out of the way in the knick of time, as Discord begins hopping and materializes giant boxing gloves on Shockwave's hands.

"Shall we settle this Mano-a-Mano?" Discord asked as he raises Shockwave's hands in the air. like a boxer would.

"What in blazes are you doing?" Megatron said as he looked on, puzzled. "You dare to mock me again?"

"Marquis of Queensberry Rules?" Discord taunted Megatron.

He bounces around in circles around the Decepticon Leader like a boxer would.

"Fisticuffs, pugilism, the manly art of self-defense. Isn't it wonderfully barbaric? Go on. Take a poke at me. That is what you want to do, isn't it?" Discord said as he began throwing punches at Megatron.

"Enough with your nonsense, and this foolishness." Megatron angrily yelled, as he begins to throw his own punches at Discord.

The two villains strike at each other repeatedly, until Megatron delivers an uppercut that knocks Discord on the ground.

Megatron then approches him, and aims his cannon at Discord.

"So now what Mighty Megatron? Are you going to terminate me?"

Then the unthinkable happened. Megatron begins to lower his weapon, as if he was hesitant to fire.

"I....I....can't..." He replied.

"What is this?" Discord asked slightly puzzled.

"If it were any other Decepticon you possessed, I would not hesitate to open fire and exstinguish your life. But Shockwave..." Megatron begain to say, "Shockwave has always been loyal to me. He followed every one of my orders with out question, no matter how dangerous, or how absurd the others found it. He has always been reliable, and never failed me. A rare trait in most Decepticons. He's the closest thing you would say... to being a friend almost. I...... CAN'T TERMINATE HIM!"

Discord looks on in amusement.

"Oh, pfft! Gag, again with the friendship!" Discord scoffed. "You disappoint me greatly Megatron."

Discord gets back on his feet, then the gloves disappear in a bright flash, leaving the usual normal right hand, and Shockwave's blaster for his left.

Meanwhile near the outskirts of New York.......

Orion Pax continues to drive for an untold amount of time. He finally stops, and transforms back into his robot mode.
Not too far behind him, he sees six multi colored ponies following him.

"Hey, it's those funny looking organics again." He says to himself. "Why were they following me?"

Twilight Sparkle finally catches up to him. "OPTIMUS!"

"Hey there. Whatcha' up to?" Orion asked the unicron.

"You have to go back, you have to come with us. Discord will run rampant across countless worlds if you don't stop him." She explained.

"I don't know what I can do. I'm no soldier or hero." He said to the pony, "I'm just a regular worker. I load docks, and do manual labor. I don't know how to fight."

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