Chapter 9: Earthbound

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Ratchet and Shining Armor look intently at the direction of Canterlot. What they see next is the sun rising over the horizon.

"Sunrise! It's really the Sun! That means Princess Celestia's back, and the changelings must have been defeated. I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT TWILIE! I'm so proud of you." He yells out in joy.

"Prime, you and the ponies really did it." Ratchet says to himself.

Seeing the sun beginning to rise, Princess Cadence begins to lead the evacuees back from the Everfree Forest, into Ponyville.

From the other direction, coming from Canterlot, were the three Autobots, and their giant, Omega Supreme, the Mane 6, and all of the ponies that were abducted. All parties finally reach Ponyville, as friends and loved once finally reunite after a week of uncertainty, and terror. Finally the nightmare was over for the ponies.

During the happy reunions, Sweetie Belle, who was with Cadence's refugees, was not only happy to see her sister Rarity come back from battle safely, but also her best friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom who disappeared almost a week ago.

She ran up to her three most cherished ponies and gave them all a huge embrace.

"RARITY! APPLE BLOOM! SCOOTALOO! I'm so happy you're all back. I've missed you!" She shouts out in her squeaky tone.

Spike runs up to Twilight, and also gives her a hug, as she lovingly nuzzles him back. Shining Armor is more than happy to see not only his sister return in triumph, but his wife safely returning with the civilians.

Then from the sky, the two alicorn princesses descend. They both land right in the middle of the town as the citizens bow.

"Citizens of Equestria!" Princess Celestia addresses the crowd. "Today is indeed a great day of joy and relief. We have driven away the evil invaders from our land, and have freed the kidnapped ponies from their captors. Peace has been restored, and my sister and I have been liberated from the darkness. And we have the holders of the Elements of Harmony to thank. Twilight Sparkle, and her friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity have once again saved our fair kingdom from destruction. But this time, they did not fight alone. We also have our new friends, Optimus Prime, and his faithful Autobot companions who have traveled from beyond the stars to assist in our victory. Without their help, we would not be standing here right now. They have all proven themselves to be great heroes, and are the true meaning of courage."

All the ponies began cheering while the Autobots simply waved.

"Yeah, it's times like these that make it all worth it." Bumblebee said.

"I hear that little buddy." Ironhide replied.

Celestia motions the crowd to quiet down.

"But now, we have another situation we must resolve. Due to recent events here, the seal that held Discord in his stone prison has been broken. He has escaped, and traveled to the world where our new friends, the Autobots currently reside. On Planet Earth, homeworld of the Humans. I have allowed the Element holders to travel with the Autobots to bring Discord down. If he is not stopped, his power will grow, and he will threaten all of existance. Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends, please come forward."

The Mane 6 approch the princess, and bow.

"Please go with the Autobots. Do whatever you must to stop Discord. His rampage must be put to an end Twilight."

"We won't let you down Princess." Twilight replies with confidence.

"Princess Celestia, I once again thank you for allowing the Elements of Harmony to travel to our world."

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