Chapter 1: Journey

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"I can't believe it's almost time Spike! Soon we'll be going on a trip for a month beyond our wildest dreams!" Twilight Sparkle said while skipping around the main area of her library.

Twilight Sparkle had just returned from her trip from Canterlot after researching the Star-Swirl the Bearded section of the Canterlot Royal Library. She had found an old star chart with a location of another world, and an inhabited one at that. Along with the chart, there was also a scroll that contained a powerful teleportation spell that can transport two individuals at a time across planets. She was more than happy to borrow the material she had found.

"Sheesh Twilight," Spike, her assistant baby dragon said, "I haven't seen you this giddy and excited since your brother's wedding last week."

"But I can't help it. I mean, a chance to learn all about new worlds, making contact with alien civilizations. I mean It's a dream come true for scholars like me." Twilight explained excitedly. "I simply can't wait!"

"That makes one of us." Spike said slightly dejected. "I don't know why I have to come along. I mean, what if there are monsters on that other world?"

"Oh Spike, don't be such a scardy-dragon. And besides, I can't go on a month long trip without my number one assistant can I?"

Spike slightly blushed.

There was a knock on the door. Spike quickly went to answer it. At the door were five familiar ponies, and two alicorns.

Pinkie Pie hops up to Twilight.

"OOOOHHH! I can't believe you're gonna go see some aliens! This is so exciting, I mean, I don't think I've ever been this excited for one of my friends! Well maybe except for the time Mrs. Cake had her twins, but still, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Make plenty of friends for me OK Twilight??!!" Pinkie was being her usual ball of energy self.

"Aw geez Twilight," Rainbow Dash said, "I can't believe, you of all ponies, the egghead bookworm who barely ever leaves her book den, is gonna be going off-world. Bet you're gonna have the greatest adventure of a life-time! Wish I was coming with ya."

"Well darn tootin' Twilight," Applejack said, "You have a safe trip, and a good time arlight sugarcube? And here, take this bag of some of mah best picked apple with ya. Just picked this mornin'." Applejack hands Twilight a saddlebag full of her apples.

"Thank you Applejack." Twilight said, "I'm sure they're delicious as usual."

"Umm, Twilight?" Fluttershy nervously said. "I just hope you come back in one piece, and be careful out there. If you see anything scary, just, umm, teleport yourself and Spike back immediately OK? I mean, if that's alright with you, I mean."

"Oh Fluttershy, of course I will, and don't worry about me. I'll be fine, plus Spike's with me." She replied which slightly comforted the yellow pegasus.

"And also, please take this medical kit with you. You never know when you might need it." Fluttershy said as she hands Twilight another saddlebag full of medical supplies.

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